Friday, September 2, 2011

First Birthday and registered for gifts?

Somebody please tell me this isn't true!

Boy, I must really be out of touch with the children's birthday party circuit.  I don't even know what to say about this except, huh?...excuse me, did I read this right?  I'm not usually at a loss for words...but I am on this one.  It's a first birthday party...not a wedding or baby shower.  The child is going to be 1 year's not like he's going to have any clue what the heck is even going on.  How long was I in Wisconsin anyway?!


  1. What? They register their kids for birthday gifts? Holy cow, this is too much! I'm sure glad I'm almost dead, I can't take much more of this nonsense now a days! E-gads!

  2. Just say no! Birthday parties have gotten out of hand. When parents spend as much on a party as they do their mortgage or even more than their mortgage, it is ridiculous. What happened to cake and ice cream?
    Beckie in TN

  3. Mmmm well I will say I am pleased I am in the winter of my life...and I won't be around to see this child in the future lol

  4. In a word My daughter is 24, unmarried, no kids. She commented she's going to the wedding for a college friend next week, hasn't found a gift yet and was worried that all the "good gifts" from the registry were already purchased. I told her she didn't HAVE to buy from the registry, that a registry used to be for expensive gifts, that one person couldn't afford, but many could buy pieces of, like a set of china or good stoneware or sterling silver. Each could buy a place setting. She was stunned. I reminded her she knew this girl and could go find something lovely she thought the girl would like and give that as a wedding gift. It's time to move away from conscripting your invited "guests" into buying specific gifts in lieu of a meal. What's next? 'I'm having a small dinner party next week, please find the flat screen TV I desire as a hostess gift on my registry at Best Buy'!?!??

  5. Annie, just looked at your flickr photos, love the tall row houses. Are the house walls a decorative stitch? Just love that block! Actually, I found you from the quilt that block is a part of. Fabulous doesn't do the quilt justice. Any hints you want to share of the block construction are welcome, I want to try my hand. Reminds me of some houses on St. George Island, FL. Thanks.

  6. Nancy, You are a no-reply blogger, so I hope you find my answer to you here.

    First, thanks for visiting my blog and I'm so looking forward to your dinner soon as I have invitation in hand, I'll go check out that TV for you...I'm sure there's room in my budget for it.

    The row houses walls are a triple stitch...My machine stitches 4 stitches forward then 2 back then 4 forward again, etc.

  7. Thanks for the stitch info Annie. I saw I was a "no reply", but couldn't figure out how to change that, and my daughter is away at college. Leaves me a little challenged.


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