Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's Me In Fabric

I'm #9 in Carol's (mamacjt) Ladies Series! I'm so flippin' honored to be included in these awesome fabric creations! Thank you so much Carol!

Don't I just look absolutely wonderful?!  She got my age exactly right - 26!  My body might not agree with that age, but it's all mind over matter...and my mind says I'm 26.

Carol told me while I was traveling across the US in a little postal truck that she wasn't real happy with my hair color because it blended into the white background too much.  Well, when I arrived yesterday afternoon...looking absolutely fabulous, I might add...I thought a little trip to the sewing machine beauty parlor and a bit of a medium brown thread outline just might do the trick to separate my hair from the background.  I think it worked.  Carol thinks it's better but a bit on the wild side now....well, that's me!

To top off this package, she included a book, "Out Of The Box with easy blocks" about free-form piecing.  This looks quite interesting.  And a couple of fun fabric pieces...look at that strip of selvage on that bright stripe!  Fun! 

Again, thank you so much, Carol!

Have a great day everyone!


  1. You're entirely welcome, sweetie! I always enjoyed you so now you can enjoy YOU too. LOL So fun!

  2. It is over the top amazing..YOU are a great friend for her...she must love ya tons..she made you striking lol
    what a delightful honor.

  3. oh p.s I have this book...I thought of you when I got the cow...well I don't but I do..but I wouldn't make it lol

  4. Love these projects. That's it, I have to follow you now! Beautiful work.

  5. What a GREAT job Carol did on your fabric portrait! Isn't it a thrill to see yourself done in a quilt? She did me, too & I just ♥♥♥ it.


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