Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rubber Stamping on Fabric

This tutorial was created for Madame Samm's Sew We Quilt blog and I know of no other way to get this tutorial on my own blog other than re-posting it here.  So, please excuse my duplication of this post if you've already seen it.

 A Ghastlie Tea Party! 
Oh please, do come in...

The tea cups are paper pieced.  I fussy cut the images and fused them to the background fabric using Wonder Under. 

The images are not appliqued after the paper piecing is done...they were fused to the cup background fabric prior to the paper piecing process.  Positioning them to line up as I wanted them to was rather tricky and my seam ripper was a little busier than I liked.  But, where there's a will there's a way!...not to mention a sheer determination on my part to have my way!  My paper piecing tutorial and that fun stripe border tutorial are listed over there on the right under "Tutorials"
What I'd like to show you today is the rubber stamping on fabric.  This too was sheer determination on my part to come up with a permanent, washable solution for my desire to incorporate my rubber stamping with my sewing/quilting.

These are your supplies needed
Fabric or project you wish to stamp on
Ruler and air soluble pen (optional)
Small ruler that is thicker than standard
StazOn Ink Pad
StazOn Cleaner
Rubber Stamps
If you just plan to stamp an image, you won't need rulers.  The rulers are for stamping words in a straight line.
Draw your lines with a standard ruler and air soluble pen.

Place the small thicker ruler along your drawn line and be sure to hold it in place until your letters for that line are all stamped.  When stamping the letters, keep the wood against the ruler. 

Unless you have an absolutely perfectly spaced set of letter/number stamps, they will most likely look a bit wonky - which is exactly what I like about this process.  Although spacing of the letters takes practice and most likely will be wonkily spaced, at least they will all be lined up along the bottom edge.  
I normally wait until the purple lines disappear before I work with the stamped area with an iron.  Depending on your fabric, the heat from the iron can set your disappearing ink into the fabric which makes it harder to remove but not impossible...yes, I know this from experience.  But, if you're in a hurry to get to working with it, just dip a small paintbrush in water and hurry the disappearing along quickly.  Remember, the StazOn ink is permanent, it dries quickly and is washable so the water will not disturb your stamping...yes, I know this from experience as well.

This particular alphabet set of rubber stamps I found at Michael's in their $1 bins. What a bargain! I like the mix of upper and lower case letters.
There's no limit to what and where you can stamp on your projects.  It's a wonderful alternative to the times you are limited to where an image or words are placed on your project when you have to use an ink jet printer.
I'll be watching for your projects using this technique. 
Happy stamping everyone!


  1. I think it's a good re-fresher to read it twice anyway. Great information! ('Course, you are so darn talented anyway!!!)

  2. I love this one. I love anything done with tea cup and you did an amazing job!

  3. I really adore this little poem with the cat. I just ordered ink and stamps. Although they said for the Stanzon "not for fabric". You proved the opposite :)

  4. This is a fabulous piece. I love the fussy tea cups. And that poem is wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing the stamping information.

  5. What a wonderful project! Your instructions are superb...will have to start looking for the stamp supplies! Thank you so much!

  6. NOW I remember reading this and I had run right out and bought that ink--now I'll have to try it.

  7. Inspiring! What would you recommend for stamping letters onto black fabric? I'm looking for something subtle, maybe even transparent, to use as background for a large applique. THANKS!


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