Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Just Can't Help It!

I just can't stop myself...please understand it's just my ghastlie personality...

Let It Snow,
Let It Snow,
Let It Snow!

I just can't help it, really!


  1. A Ghastlie pox on you! You may keep the snow, I have had enough of it to last the rest of my life. Warm and cozy for me!

  2. I can't thinkof a better excuse to hibernate with my quilting than a good snow storm. Bring it on!

  3. Haha, Annie! You can have mine!! I guess now that Halloween is over, it's time for WINTER!! I'm not ready....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. WElllllll it looks like you and me kid lol...NO really I love the snow...I love snow shoeing and cross country..I love pulling my sleigh to the store...LOVE the cold, my fur head bands...yes bring on the

  6. I'm sorry everyone, but I've dealt with that treacherous snow for the past 17 years. But this year I don't have to deal with it, so I'm being quite sarcastic and down right mean for being so happy about that. So I say, LET IT SNOW! But I really do feel for those of you who have to go out to work everyday and drive through it and shovel your way out of it.

  7. Snowing means more quilting without feeling guilty! I love to stay home and watch the fluffy stuff!


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