Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Fabric Postcards

Christmas Greetings

I finally seem to have had time to sew several Christmas greetings as fabric postcards.  Every year I have big plans and every year I make all of one.  Once I got two made.

This year I have one for everyone on my "special card" list.  You know the ones...those who actually appreciate not only receiving your Christmas card, but appreciate your hand crafted greetings.

I have nine done this year!  Hurray!

Only three designs, but I thought that was pretty good for me. Sometimes I struggle with the small size blank slate and other times I get more ideas than I can apply. You wouldn't think a Christmas theme would be a struggle, but for some reason it was. I'll get plenty of ideas once it's too late to send any more. Ain't that always the way!

JOY Snowman

My favorite Nancy Halverson snowman on my favorite fabric background.

With bells on his toes...
(thank you so much Carol for sending me that binding fabric!)
Well, I wish I could blame old age for not sewing one of his legs, but shit like that happens every now and again. After having a personal but not so quiet hissy fit about it, I thought of my other dear friend Samm who would look for the bright side of this failure.  It can only mean one thing.....that when I become famous this card will be quite valuable with it's stitching flaw...right? 

Wishing you a good mail day!


  1. You've done it again!! Love those postcards-I'm way behind, you actually send these in the mail? And what does the other side look like??

    Love them all!

  2. You are like one little elf going crazy with creativeness. Yay for you! (And too bad about your elf leg...just shows that you're human and BUSY.) I love him anyway!

  3. WEll first let me raise my tea to you this morning ....with bells a ringing- I would say anyone who is lucky enough to have any of your postcards would be overwhelmed...I love the un-stitched leg, truly makes it a one of a kind and that in my books is rather priceless....all of them are my favorite...YOU know I cannot pick a fav cause they all are....ok, off to sew something as you sew inspire ME

  4. I love your postcards....just wonderful!!

  5. Love 'em! Last year that's what everyone got- an individual fabric postcard. What a workout!!! You rock lady.

  6. Oh my gosh!! Your talent is so amazing!! If you had not said anything, I would not have noticed that special touch of not stitching the leg!! Lucky friends who receive a piece of your art!

  7. Your postcards rock! You are so skilled at putting the "right" fabrics and design 'em! I have to ask, though, can they really go through the mail? :) I have no experience here!

  8. They are all beautiful. Well done.

    As to the leg with no stitching....if bothers you enough to try could "pen stitch" the missing threads in. i have had great luck with pigma pens in the past.

  9. Annie, your postcards are out of this world! Makes me want to leave all my other projects and try a few of these. And thanks so much for posting tutorials...I will use them!

  10. I have quilter friends who would really appreciate one of these fabric Christmas postcards, but time won't permit me to get it done for this year. However, I will certainly put this on my "to do" list for next year. Thanks for the tute!!!

  11. Oh I love these postcards great idea.
    thanks for sharing.

  12. Your cards are absolutely adorable! I only got one done this year ... though I had plans for more ... maybe next year :) Great Job and thank you for sharing!!

  13. These are amazing, and adorable!! I have to ask, how do you cut your appliques?? I know I would love to recieve something as special as one of these in tha mail!!


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