Saturday, February 18, 2012

Robot Proof 

We'd all like to avoid spam within all of our electronic communications.  I see this attempt of avoidance mostly in blogland.  Personally, my blog is not a popular blog and I have not experienced much spam in comments.  At least not enough to make your visit here too annoying to leave a comment if you choose to do so.

I try to visit and comment on as many blogs as I can fit into a variety of time frames.  The inspiration is irresistible and I hate to miss anything!  But proving that I'm not a robot is becoming so time consuming.  I see now that many blogs have two words we must type in to prove we are not robots.  One of those words is extremely difficult to read.  I've just guessed at them. 

I already don't bother with comments if I have to type a user ID and my email address and I don't know what all else after that because I just don't have that kind of time.  So I close the blog, don't leave my comment and go on to the next one that I want to read.  I feel like I'll have to start skipping comments on those two words proofs as well if they are going to become numerous. 

Some of my most favorite blogs have huge followings and get lots of comments and I can leave my comment without the added time of proving myself.  How do they do it?  It doesn't quite make sense that they don't need this robot proof system, yet a small followed blog with a few comments has a fancy system to avoid spam.

Blogland is growing ever larger and we find more and more inspiration available to us.  But a 24 hour day never adds hours.  So many of us already feel we spend too much time on our computers.  So, spending extra time at a blog to prove who I am in order to leave a comment?  I'm sorry, I just don't have that kind of time to spend on one blog.

Is there really no better solution to the problem of spam?  Is it possible that this is a concern that blogger will be correcting come March 1st?  I wish it could all go back to simple because I'd love nothing better than to tell people I love their creativity...I wish I had the time to continue that but, well, you know...

I know no one will miss my one comment on their blog, but what if a lot of people are finding it too time consuming?  I wonder if I'm alone in my musings on this.  It's possible.



  1. I know what you mean. Those words are hard to read many times. I hope things too will get better after thr first of the month. So many blogs are too wonderful to miss.

  2. Part of this is the new Blogger system. It depends on the settings you choose for comments. Now that I think about it, I need to see how mine are set up! And yes, some of it is a pain to deal with.

  3. I don't like those either. They're so hard to read. I have to be really motivated to leave a comment if there's two words.

    I think part of the difference you see in blogs is what platform they're on. I'm on a wordpress blog and they do a great job of blocking spam without the words. I think most of the ones with words I've seen have been on blogger.

  4. I'm with you Annie!!
    The words are so hard to read so if I can't get it right first time I give up!!

  5. I'm with Gill! Two is too many to get frustrated if you don't get it right the first time!!

  6. I tried to check my settings last night to turn this off and see how it goes, but I can't even find it! Also, to Dawnmarie, isn't Wordpress one that requires you to leave your email to comment? That is probably why there isn't much spam.

  7. i understand the problem that results in the need to deflect spam, but I agree the new requirement is a big problem. Since it was instituted by some of my favorite blogs, it is very difficult to comment. I just can't seem to discern that first word. First two words, then several tries at the words; it's just too difficult.

  8. I hate those that have the black and white circle that splits the word. Especially lately, I can't ever get it right on the first try. After the third set of words I usually give up and move on.
    I kind of makes me sad that technology is so wonderful at times and there are such goofballs that have to take advantage of that and create the spams and viruses and such that ruin the fun.

  9. You are SO not alone, Honestly I haven't left any blogs yet, but my time has been a bit freer this week. Not so much next week, so I am sure I will be skipping comments on some.If the second word was easier to read I probably wouldn't be so quick to skip something, but than 50% of the time I have to do it all at least twice since I can't read it right the first time :-)

  10. I'm with you sista! Hate, hate the new system. I'm always guessing too and sometimes it takes it even thought I know I did it wrong. I removed mine several months ago and (fingers crossed) have had minimal spam. Thanks for writing this,as it's exactly what I had been thinking!

  11. I sigh with relief when a comment goes right through, or awaits the bloggers approval. One word checks were bad enough, but the double word check is just irritating.

  12. I fear March 1st when the changes happen - not sure if better or worse. I would love for someone to address followers - just because you sign up on the blog does not mean you follow the blog -your numbers just go up. Why is that important? Some giveaways even require you to be a follower to be eligible. Just asking - Judy C

  13. I try once. If I don't get it right I leave. I don't have a real popular blog and I don't get many spam messages. If I do I delete them - no biggie. If it's a problem then the setting could be changed to the one where you approve the comment before it goes on. Maybe that's too much trouble for some folks but with the word verification feature turned on they're losing comments. I wish I knew the answer to a previously asked question - why does it matter how many followers you have? Are they earning money somehow for that? If so, that's great - a good way to earn $ for stay at home moms. blessings, marlene

  14. I agree that these new verification words are too hard to read and too time consuming. I find that I am leaving less comments because of it. It is sad because some of my favorite blogs to read I now avoid.

  15. I would miss you, Annie! Don't you dare leave my blog without letting me know that you stopped by! LOL Seriously, that is why I took the words off of mine....I can't read those new ones very easily, and I think it detracts from the fun. And I am all about fun. :)

  16. I've noticed it has been getting more difficult to read those crazy words. It also occurred to me that I have comment moderation turned on so there is no reason to have the added layer of word verification.

  17. I took down my word varification. It was annoying. Blogger already catches anonymous posts and tosses them into a spam folder for approval. So no worries.

  18. I agree. Sometimes this human being can't work out the words. By the way - I've entered my user id, email address etc. on one of my favourite blogs and the next time it was already there, so maybe you only have to enter this once per blog? I (and everyone else?) love getting comments so it would be a pity if we stopped making them.

  19. Hear, hear! This is exactly how I feel.

  20. Yep, I was just wondering this myself today when I had to do the two-word thing. I, like you, probably won't bother the next time it comes up. I feel like I've already given the blogger a chunk of my time reading what he or she wrote, so I hate that I have to WASTE my time jumping through hoops to leave a comment.

    Maybe I don't get it because I'm not a popular blog either. Oh, and I also don't read stubs. If your blog is too special to be available in my blog reader, then you're probably way too special for me. :-/

  21. Just like you, I find the 2 word verification a bother, so I turned that off on my blog and within 24 hours I've been spammed more than a half dozen times. Doesn't sound like much, but it is for my small blog and now I'm wondering what to do....

  22. update - haha did you notice there are several that have gotten rid of the black/white splotch in the word now? I have still had a hard time decifering the letters and I know in one instance I left an l off, but it accepted the comment!

  23. I agree, I only have a small blog but I dont have word verification and in nearly a year I have not had any spam, hopefully this continues. I dont mind it when its 1 easy to read word but I hate those 2 word ones.

  24. Yep those words are a pain to decipher, like you If I don't get it first time, I'm off, you have a very nice blog....

  25. Annie you have to check out this site - the lady had the same concerns and even made up her own button once she got the word verification turned off: Here is the site:

  26. I've been absent in blogland for a little while and just now noticed the change to the two word verification today as I've been trying to catch up on my blog reading. Very annoying indeed. I think my blog has the verification setting turned on, but I'm considering turning it off if this continues. As for you last paragraph, I for one would miss your (or anyone's) one comment ;-)

  27. Nope...not alone...I think they are a PITA and I guess and then give up and don't bother to leave comments.

  28. Nope...not alone...I think they are a PITA and I guess and then give up and don't bother to leave comments.


Who doesn't love comments and inspiration?!