Sunday, March 18, 2012

Into the unknown I go. 

Michele of Quilts From My Crayon Box blog is hosting a Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin.  I've always felt drawn to try a round robin but the quilts were always bed sized.  That's a size that doesn't interest me.  So when I saw Michele had thunk up a small scale wall quilt, I jumped in.

I only have until the 18th to come up with my center block.  I'm not a fast thinker upper so I had to get started immediately.  Good thing cause I made rejects!

First reject block is this one...
  I like the block, but I decided it was too busy for this project.  It most likely will soon be a fun potholder.

My next reject block is this one...
These are four 3" log cabin blocks.  (They aren't actually sewn together yet)  I liked them and thought I'd make some more with mixed colors.  That plan didn't go so well so I moved onward.

This is the next block I tried...

This one could be fun to play with.  It could have more colors added or it could even go in a Fall or even a Halloween direction.  But I'm still not quite happy with the simplicity of it to be my focal point.

This post published without me due to constant Internet connection interruptions this entire week.  Because of that I concentrated on sewing instead and then this post published this morning without, to finish.....

This is the block I've decided on...

A bit dull and boring looking here all by itself, but I actually have a plan for it when it comes back to me in December.  Well, of course depending on what my border partners add to it.  Possibly their border decisions will change my plan in the end.  I'll just have to wait and see.

I do love a good mystery.....


  1. What I love about you and your designs is that they are always SO different. That is your creative mind at work, and it is truly a gift. Love them all, and am looking forward to what you actually do choose!

  2. Oh Annie, your "rejects"are just precious! I love how you have such a flare for color and design. If these are rejects, I can't wait to see your center. Go girl!

  3. First of all I like all of your rejects. Second you have until the end of the month to get your center out, not by the 18th. Sign ups close on the 18th. So don't panic and rush it. No matter what you end up sending out I'm sure it will be great.

  4. I am in a free robin which is similar and it is tough to decide on a starter! Yours looks great, lots of options!

  5. and I love the golly I think you've got it lol

  6. Round robins are a lot of can use almost anything for the center. My favorite was a UFO that i had lost interest in. I can't wait to see what happens next.

  7. I'll take your rejects any time and by the way what is the fabric line of reject #1 as I love it?!

  8. Love them all...LOL...I am still working on mine...ARGH!

  9. Well, geez, I just read that the shipping isn't until the end of the month. Just think how many more you can come up with until then!!! Two bits you just might change your mind one more time!! lol

  10. Now that I see the final one I'm impressed and I do like. Curves and I do not get along well at all so I love to see what others can do with them.

  11. Wow, Annie, that is so cool...I'm scrambling to finish mine! Modern is such a stretch for me - but I think it's good to try new things! LOL

  12. You had me chuckling, Annie. Each block is so unique - you really are very creative! The final block outshines them all... can't go wrong with dots. :o)

  13. Love your rejects ~ and the one you've chosen is terrific. I'm still thinking about mine ... glad we have several more days! Fun ahead!

  14. All of your blocks sing out. I like the one with curves, just because it is curves. In fact any of the four would do! It will be really interesting to watch this Round Robin. Hope it is going to have a flickr group?

  15. Annie when I am tired and feeling down, I just go to your blog and get energized by what you say and what you show.....thanks for being so great!


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