Sunday, August 19, 2012

Delightfully Wonderful

When I asked you, my followers, to help feed my addiction to making and mailing fabric postcards, you were more than willing to be enablers!  I chuckled then feeling so happy to have new recipients for my cards.  And I chuckle now from the sheer joy it brings me to create these cards for you.  So, to you, I say ...

The first two cards I offered to share brought back some wonderful responses in regard to why you would have liked to receive that particular card.  One response triggered some thoughts for me that I wanted to design a card specifically for her based on what she had said in her comment and afterwards in our short correspondence.

This postcard was made for Marlene of stitchinbythelake. I so enjoyed creating this one and I miss having this card around to look at.

There are a couple of other responders requiring special cards that I haven't gotten to yet.  Some provoke an idea a lot quicker than others.

And a couple of followers have consented to swap/trade with me.  One being Leah of quilteddelights .  I got trapped in a bluebird stage and this bluebird flew to Leah's house.

The postcard Leah made for me is this beautifully designed and stitched scene that I call By the Sea.  I just want to unfold my beach chair and umbrella and sit a while here.  Thanks so much, Leah!

I found Penny of Zuni Mountains Quilter on flickr admiring my Always Look Your Blooming Best postcard.  After a bit of correspondence with Penny, this is the postcard I made specifically for her. 

The immediate meaning was how short on time so many of us live with.  But as I was creating the card, the amount of "time" involved within our lives began to play into the design more and more.  I titled it, "Have Time?"  But now I think it should have been "The Time of Our Life".  I'm pretty sure Penny will connect with every meaning this card presents...and then some.

I'm working on a quilt that is taking some time and I really want to get back totally involved with it, but postcards keep invading my mind making my fingers itch to bring them to life.  I just can't help but stitch them up.  I maybe need a 12-Step Program here!

In a few days my sweet cousin is having a birthday. 

I'm really having fun with my swirls!

And now, here's one that came to mind without a specific recipient in mind.  Which means that it's up for grabs by you.  Does this one appeal to you?

Names that I've come up with for this one are rather, My Days Are Numbered and Life Is Short.  Pretty sad, and I'm really stumped, so what name would you give it?  (You don't have to name it to be chosen to receive it)

I so love you all, my enablers.  (smiles from me!)


  1. Quilted Postcard love coming your way. WOW, you really know how to inspire someone. Thanks for sharing.

  2. The orange button looks pretty happy with life, so why not call it "The Orange Button"? This one is a bit different, by the way, maybe a bit autumnal? -so you could call it "Autumn"?

  3. Hi from France
    The name coming to my mind is "summer end" because flowers in my garden look like those on your lovely card, waiting for a little rain.
    Thank you for showing your wonderful and inspiring cards.

  4. All of these are fabulous, a real keepsake!

  5. How about just 'joy'. Thats what the flower seems to be showing. I immediatley think of my dad and his volunteer sunflowers that come up every year around the bird feeders in his garden. There is always the 'should we pull the scraggly things up' discussion. Mom is indifferent and Im always like let them grow (which dad wants too). This year an especially large one grew up. Enormous really, its head lifted to the sun, bees, buzzing it and the small birds constantly stopping by to check on the ripeness of the seeds. A sunflower is joy for the multitude of insects and animals it pleases. I would love if you sent it to my dad. He would get it.

  6. Annie all of your cards are just so wonderful! I am particularly fond of all coneflowers, brown-eyed Susans, and sunflowers, so I love your new postcard. Not sure I would have a good name to call it, but maybe "Brown Eyes"? I have brown eyes too so...wink, wink. Whoever you send this one too I know they will love and appreciate your kindness and being so giving. Thanks for sharing your creations with us all Annie.

  7. Holy Moly! You continue to amaze me with your postcards! So fabulous! I love each of them.

  8. Your cards are awesome. How about"SummerDaze".

  9. You are so generous and your postcards are so inspiring. Clearly made with loving hands and received with joy! The flower on your card reminds me of the sunflowers in my garden - their faces reaching for the sun. This year they are sooooo tall in spite of the crazy weather we have had in Michigan. I always plant zinnias at their feet and the little buttons remind me of their color. To top it off your card has the initials of my maiden name running down the right side - PJB!
    I don't know what I would name it but I sure would love to have it!

  10. He love me, he loves me not, It really is the first thing that popped into my head!
    You really do wonderful work!

  11. I love your cards Annie!
    How about calling it '3 buttons'????

  12. Annie - I would call it "The True Measure of Flowers" because they not only feed our sight and smell but they feed our soul as well. And why are you not making a "postcard quilt" with all those cute cards? All your bird and flowers are fantastic and unlike some other designers - yours all have their own personalities. Now I want to make a postcard. Are they a specific size?

  13. Annie your postcards just blow me away they are beautiful and cute and say so much. I have never made them but I think I would like to try but I need to finish a few quilts first because they look addicting. Blessings Sandra

  14. Annie, your postcards always make me smile; and as I've said before...they are all mini works of 'heart'..each one so unique!!! As for that adorable sunflower..I'd call it: "Look To The Bright Side". Thanks for sharing your amazing talent with us :o)

  15. Annie, I haven't seen a postcard you've created that I haven't loved. Your creations amaze me! Possible names could be A measure of friendship, or A measure of beauty.

  16. I hereby remove myself from your "eligible" list for this pretty little one, since you sent one of your little bluebirds my way, already! BUT~ I do think that I'd just call this one "Bird Seed"...since, after all, sunflowers make heavenly birdseed! (Chuckle!)

    Thanks for your ever-blooming inspiration, Annie...

  17. It's always a treat to see your new creations. Love them all, but the time one is pretty awesome. :O)

  18. Love it/them (as usual...LOL) "A moment in time", "Measured in moments", "The measure that matters"

  19. These cards are soooo adorable!

  20. Oh Annie...your cards are all so wonderfully full of life and fun! I love that I can picture your brain turning while making them. Especially The Time of Our Life. I'd name the daisy...He Loves Me!

  21. Ummm....brown eyed susan. (not daisy)

  22. Your cards are wonderful, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to win one. I especially love your swirls - so whimsical. If and when you run out of people to give them to I was wondering if you had considered donating any to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative- They collect small quilts (9" x12", I think) and auction them off. It's something I hope to try to do someday... Take care and keep creating your beauties - I love looking at them and hope to get inspired to make one of my own!

  23. And we so love you Annie! I had my husband hang my bulletin board in my office at school this afternoon and my bluebird card was the first thing I put on there. :) Every time I look at it I will think of my mother - thank you so much for this wonderful reminder of how much she loved the birds. blessings, marlene

  24. Keep creating those beautiful postcards! I'm sure every postman/postwoman?? who delivers them is getting just as much pleasure from seeing them as we are!

  25. Call it "one more sunflower" and it wants to live with me.
    I use sunflowers to decorate one of my bathrooms. They're even hand stamped on the wall. I love them and would love this too.

    Thanks for all you do.

    Take care,


  26. Since I already have my beautiful Annie Original, I'm not in the draw....just stopping by to say how much I enjoy seeing your cards. Each one is so unique - we are blessed to have you in our quilting community!

  27. Life IS short, as I got reminded this past year. I don't think that's morbid at all - I think it just says that we need to live it to the fullest. I love looking at all your creative ventures in postcard creation. :)

  28. This is awesome - how do i love these?
    "Let me count the ways ....." is what i'd call it ;)
    Thank you for sharing such beautiful work!

  29. Title- " Black-Eyed Susan Joy "...

    All of your postcards are amazing and beautiful!! I think it is good that you stop to make a new postcard, when your creative juices are flowing and strong!! Go with your flow....

    I think this postcard would just thrive in Susie's Sunroom !! (hint hint)

    Thanks for the chance!

  30. beautiful cards! love the candle's one! you are very productive!

  31. I would call it "He loves me, he loves me not"

    I love your postcards!!!

  32. love your postcards!!
    my thought is Counting my Blessings or Count your Blessings.
    thanks for sharing! your postcards are truely inspirational.

  33. I've been back here several times to look at all your wonderful post cards. In fact, I added you to my sidebar reader's list so I can easily get to your site. Love feeding your addiction! All of these cards appeal to me. For the name, how about "he loves me he loves me not." or "Daisy give me your answer do." Silly, I know.

  34. I love all of those postcards. What a wonderful inspiration you are. I thought tHat was a sunflower so I would say, May your days always be filled with sunshine.

  35. Looking at your postcards is like having a mobile art gallery at my fingertips. The art changes often and is playful and inspiring. I would call this one "Flowerful".

  36. When I saw the numbers on the petals I thought of women's obsession with dieting, believing they are over weight even when they are not, or always trying to achieve some ideal numerical weight. So what I perceived with the different numbers on the petals is a commentary on "weight" ----"In spite of my numbers, I'm not overweight" is what the flower is proudly alluding to because numbers/weight is relative.
    (no blog)

  37. Annie, I love all of the postcards you have made....I love everything you have made....looking at the sunflower all I could think of was measuring tapes....and I still could not think of a name for it...LOL....

  38. These are all wonderful! What a fun way to show off your creativity. Love them, I could look at them all day.

  39. I'm totally taken with your cards...they are beautiful. I'd name that last one..."1,2,3 Bloom!"

    I've got to get out blog hopping much more often...your work is beautiful.



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