Saturday, November 3, 2012

--- A Fabric Book ---
of a sort
I've wanted, for such a long time, to create a fabric book ... of a sort.  I've been inspired by so many that I've seen.  So I finally set my mind to come up with a style of book that appeals to me.  Most I've seen are a soft, somewhat flimsy style.  While I love them made by others, I am not inspired to make one myself.  I finally looked to my love of scrapbooking for inspiration and, by george, I think I've come up with a style that will keep me inspired to continue adding pages when the inspiration strikes.
I went to Hobby Lobby in search of a "book" to start with.  I decided on this one. 
I did not save the paper sleeve it came with, so, sadly I cannot report the make and model of this book.
I "thought" originally I'd be able to stitch the fabric pages right to the paper pages without taking the book apart.  Nope, that didn't work.  So, apart the book had to come.  It has lined craft pages, photo pages and pocket pages.

I'm working with the lined craft pages and discarding the photo and pocket pages. 
I'm not really discarding them, just not planning on using them.
I haven't decided how I want the cover to look, so I'll wait for inspiration on that.  In the meantime, I've started on the pages.  Page 1 it seemed appropriate to dedicate my first book to the two people in my life who most influenced my love of stitching and crafting.
From there, my fabric pages will just be whatever I'm inspired to create.  Sometimes the page will have a special memory or meaning to me, and other times it will just be something I like to look at.
The child image is from Lisa's Altered Art but this little darlin'  triggers memories for me.  I have continually attempted to add her to a postcard, but then I want to keep the postcard...and I already have too many postcards.  Now that she's in my fabric book I'm completely satisfied.
This is a card I found that I very much enjoy looking at.  I printed it to fabric, added the words at the top and quilted it. 

And so, this is how my fabric book will progress.  At least I hope it will continue to progress.  It kind of feels like scrapbooking without the  pressure of keeping up with the time frame of life.  Now THAT, I like!

And... now that "Little Darlin" is in my fabric book, I was, without hesitation, finally able to add her to a postcard.  She's tired of me and yearns to go on a  postal journey.  Does her sweetness and innocence appeal to you?

Page 4 is calling to I go.


  1. That is a really fabulous idea and I like the pages you have done so far. It will be fun to watch what else you come up with.

  2. This is fantastic Annie!
    I look forward to following your progress!!

  3. Oh Annie, you are truly blessed with a skill and talent that has no end. Your little book will be an amazing journey for you. Thank you for sharing...I know your little girl will find a wonderful home somewhere thanks to you and the postal service!

  4. A!MA!ZING! These take my breath away! Esp the first page. Your book is going to be wonderful.
    And you still made a postcard. Who would love to have that one? ME!! :)

  5. Oh my goodness Annie. This is beyond FABULOUS. I adore your pages and one of these days...we'll get together so I can see them in person.

  6. What a great idea. You will treasure this latest creation for years to come.

  7. Annie, I love this. You will have this for years to come. I look forward to seeing page 4 and so on!

  8. Your book is looking great Annie. I did make a few of the softer fabric books a while back and you can't have many pages, since you have to sew through the fabric "spine" of the book to keep them together. The spiral spine of your book will allow a lot more pages to be added, and you can add them anytime which is another great feature to your book.

    Oh that little girl on the postcard (and book page) is just darling too. I would be honored to have her come live with know my birthday is on Nov. 13(wink, wink, hint, hint)

  9. Annie~
    I love it!

    All of it!

    Such a combination of fabric, art and love.


  10. Once again you have created a beauty!

  11. So how big are the pages? Want me to contribute a page for you? That might be fun! You are too inventive! Wow! WHO would have thought of a stitching journal? No one else that I know! Bravo!

  12. Annie, you are truly an artist. I can't even imagine the time it takes to come up with these ideas let alone executing them! Your Little Beauty girl is absolutely adorable. She reminds me of the pictures of my Mom and Aunt when they were young. So precious.

  13. What a wonderful idea. I'm thinking of my mom as I read your post and looking at your beautiful work. I love what you have done so far. You are so talented.

  14. This Artist's book looks like such good fun. I love the second page with the little girl and the bird.

  15. Awesome book! Can't wait to see more pages!!

  16. I love your style combining the love of fabric with scrapbooking. I have purchased some heavy canvas with the idea of making a book someday too. Add that to wanting to make a postcard someday as well so one of yours would make me very happy!

  17. What a lovely and inspiring work of art! It's such a delight to see each creation.
    Is it difficult to put the pages back into the spiral?

  18. Carol's offer to make a page for you sparked a thought - this could be the inspiration for a whole new virtual bee, where the bee members make pages for each other for 11 months and receive 11 of their own in the 12th month.

  19. brilliantly done - most impressed with your art

  20. I'd love to receive that postcard in my mail. I'm a newer follower who loves to make fabric postcards also. She's wonderful and I can see why you hesitated to use her. Love the idea of the fabric book! Good luck with it.

  21. Awesome book! I followed you from Annie's blog. Lovely work!!

  22. You found a gorgeous way to combine your "loves" through your art! I can't wait to see your book as it grows! So beautiful....


  23. Kudos to you, my friend! You have taken a great idea and made it fabulous -- those pages are stunning. What a wonderful way to express your creativity and day when I meet you in person, I want to shake your hand. I fully expect that you actually ooze talent, so maybe I can take some home with me! Heehee!

  24. Awesome book! and I love what you're doing to it!

  25. Fabulous book. It looks very journally. Such a good outlet for your creativity. No real rules.


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