Sunday, December 30, 2012

It never FAILS... I always 
FAIL !!!

I have had to face the fact that I cannot challenge myself to a challenge.  I don't think I've ever completed a personal or public challenge to date!
My most recent personal challenge that I made public was my pillow a month make one pillow for each month of the year.  I really thought that was a simple enough challenge to succeed with.  WRONG!  I managed all of 7 pillows.

I didn't even like all of them.
And then there was the one I did not like as a pillow...

...but love it flat as a wall hanging.

And there are two others started but not finished.  I can at least say I gave it a good go. 

Within a span of 48 hours I decided on a new challenge for myself for 2013 and soon enough, faced the facts that I really won't get through it.  I really want to do these things, but I guess I'm just not cut out to stick with the same old same old day after day or month after month. 

Now finally I have "challenged" myself to figure out why this is.  My conclusion is that I challenge myself to accomplish something over a years time at a time when I have nothing particular in the works.  Then as time is moving along, inspiration begins to strike that leads me off into another direction.  And that keeps happening over and over throughout the year.

Now I'll just face the truth of it and go with the here and now and follow 2013 where it leads me.
I'm pretty excited about 2013 for the silly reason that I like the number 13.  This makes me wonder what this coming new year has in store for me and for all of us.  Naturally I hope for good we all hope for.  We could sure use a good break couldn't we.
Happy New Year
to all!


  1. Well I think you accomplished one very big challenge...figuring out yourself! Once you truly know you and what you are able to get done, everything else comes much easier. Happy New Year to you too and I hope that 2013 brings you tons of great goodies to enjoy.

  2. I love your pillows!! I really think they are proud of what you did accomplish. We sometimes set too big of a gets in the way.

  3. Making 7 pillows was pretty darn good Annie. I would suppose a year long challenge making a monthly thing like a pillow would be hard to stick to. That's why I have so many UFO's because I get excited to start a new project when the ideas come to me, but sometimes I cannot finish one when more are begging to be started. At least I know that and you now understand yourself better too.
    I am hoping 2013 will be a great year too. I was born on the 13th day (of Nov), so 13 is a good number for me too.
    Happy New Year Annie!

  4. I think you did great! I tried to do a pillow a month and only did 2.
    You do amazing things that inspire so many people-me-to step out of the box and do something different. You share your talents with many. I thank you for that.
    I am so excited to see what 2013 brings all of us. :) Happy New Year

  5. Maybe you didn't make 12 pillows, but I'm guessing that 7 very creative ones are more than you would have had without the challenge to guide you. I think it's great to have plans, but if it's play not work they shouldn't be written in stone. I loved seeing your pillows again - I loved them all!

  6. Your pillows are beautiful and the designs took a lot of work! Way to go.. Love them all!

  7. I don't think you could have summed up my thoughts any better...currently have no projects in the works and no burning desire to do or plan. That isn't a good time for challenges :) We do need good things desperately. Happy New Year!

  8. See, now, from my point of view you totally rocked!All about your perspective :-)

  9. Annie you are looking at it the wrong way, look at what you did not what you did not. I think because you are such a creative person you need to express yourself and not be tied down to one idea. Let your creativity flow this year! And you are not silly, I like odd numbered years!!!

  10. Annie, I agree with the comment above! Your pillows were stunning, every one a little work of art, and who decided a year should have twelve months? I think 7 months in a year would be great! I missed a few months in two QALs I signed up for, but I am happy with the ones that I did complete, so all is good. Will look forward to the new year and seeing whatever beautiful creations you decide to share with us. Happy 2013!

  11. I'm impressed that you made seven! The one with the bird on it reminds me of your fabric cards (which I love.)

  12. I can so relate to your post. I have been labeled "unfocused" however I know I am merely anxious to try so many creative endeavors that I can't possibly stick with one thing for very long! That is my story and I am sticking to it. Your pillows are fabulous. Pressure to make one each month would wear me out. Blessings with Peace and Joy for all of 2013.
    Thank you Annie for the lovely gift.

  13. I love your pillows and little wall hanging. I thrive on challenges, it makes me create - kind of like a homework assignment!

  14. Don't feel alone at not being able to "stick to it". That is why diets fail, I have 100+ UFO's (well maybe not quite that many!) and good intentioned New Years Resolutions rarely make it to February. I just thought I was ADHD, but glad to learn I am not alone. How many pillows do you need anyway? You know some people make those pillow wraps to change out with the seasons that they just tie onto a plain pillow.

  15. You may not have reached your goal but the pillows you did complete are gorgeous! I think many of us challenge ourselves then don't succeed but trying is the biggest part I think so you tried and I really don't call it failure . All the best for 2013 .

  16. I think it's pretty spectacular that you completed 7 and had 2 more started - that's not so far off the mark! But like you, I don't do well with saying I'll get this or that done over the course of a year. I need to do something while I'm interested in it or not at all. I have a few goals for the upcoming year, but mostly they involve completing unfinished projects. I'm not calling these UFOs failures, you understand, but future successes. :)

  17. Think positive! Think about all that you did accomplish and how beautiful they are. I love ALL of your pillows. You are amazing. I always look forward to your posts to see what lovely project you are working on. You are one talented lady! Happy New Year!

  18. Annie, your work is amazing and you now have 7 beautiful pillows to be proud of...along with all the other works of heart you created in 2012...certainly not a failure by any means!!!! No need to set goals..just keep working on whatever makes you happy in 2013!!

    Happy, Healthy New Year to you and yours :o)

  19. I've checked with the Scottish Quilt Police and they said that taking into account your good behaviour in the Postcard Art Department and that there really were only seven months in 2012 (as Lesley also pointed out), then there is no problem that they can see and is there any more whisky.

  20. Annie, I always figure that the point of a challenge is to stretch, motivate and document. Actually finishing it is gravy. Your seven pillows are gorgeous.

  21. Sweetie, with your schedule, it's a wonder you get anything done at all. I think you did a marvelous job this year....considering! Most people don't know a are living one!

  22. You may not have finished 12 pillows, but the ones you did finish are soooo pretty! I love them :) 2012 was my most unproductive year for sewing, I got absolutely nothing done. I'm amazed by everything everyone else has done, so I'm excited about 2013 also. Here's to a productive matter what we do!

  23. Amen to that, Annie! I'm going to be doing more "off the wall" things and not pushing myself so hard! And yes, I'm hoping for good things this year. I think we've all had enough bad stuff -- I know I sure have! Happy New Year. (I hope)

  24. I didn't read through the other comments cuz breakfast is almost ready (Luv when hubby cooks) but in MY mind you've succeeded in a big, HUGE, Beautiful way with this one. I'm not sure that challenges have to be completed to be successful. I look at what you did, not what you didn't do and I'm totally impressed. It also got you to thinking about 'challenge'...which sounds like it may be your special word this year...and you know yourself better...which will make 2k13 much mo bettah! I know I'm rambling but don't knock yourself. You've done a great job and I can't wait to see what the new year has in store for us too!

  25. 7 cushions is still pretty good
    I like that you're going to just follow 2013 where it leads you. I look forward to watching the journey

  26. It's funny. I had the same basic epiphany this year. I made no resolutions other than to be the best I can be each and every day and to let each day be a fresh start. Too often I overcommit myself in January and end up feeling I've failed. I still left myself a list of things I'd like to get done but I removed the time piece. So, I still have my list for reference and helping me remember but I removed the pressure. Glad you figured out what does and doesn't work for you!


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