Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Altered Dictionary - C

This week the
Alpha Challenge 
letter is C
The word I chose is Couple

Not much to this, cut and paste is all.  But I like finding them in the book. 

The real artwork is the dolls.  This couple was cut from a Steampunk magazine (it's where they met.  They were placed side by side on the page spread) and they are dolls created by Stephanie Novatski.  I'm quite fascinated by steampunk art.  The magazine is filled with creatively fun crafted creatures and whatnot.  I want to add some favorites to my altered dictionary for a bit of fun visuals for the words I choose.

It seems it's ok to do more than one word for each letter, so I hope to do more during the fortnight.
I revisited my V page, and chose another word on the page to play with.  I really wanted to see if I  could perk up the page.  I chose the word vane.
Page 927 as a whole now looks like this.
This makes me feel lots better about this page.  Although, as an after thought, I will try to choose words in the future that don't already have an illustration.  That might be a challenge in itself since this is a "Junior" dictionary.  It's full of illustrations for words.

I really would have liked to use rubber stamps for all the altering, but that just isn't possible right now, so I'll have to be happy with limited mixed media altering.



  1. That couple sure jazzes up your page. I haven't heard or seen that magazine, so I will have to google it and find out more.

  2. I hope Mr. Filby makes Flora very happy, they certainly give this old dictionary a bit of a boost. It's another fun page, Annie.

  3. Your pages are looking great Annie! Altered art is fun but beyond me...I'll leave that to my artist daughter Ü

  4. WOW aren't those steampunk figures amazing work of art? I don't blame you wanting them in your book! Another lovely page and I see you have added to your 'V' page too....fantastic!

    Thank you for paling with us again over at The Craft Barn x

  5. super work, love the steampunk images. x

  6. Fab pages...the steampunk couple are amazing...love what you did with them. :)

  7. How fun!!! I bet half the challenge is finding things to go with the words, huh? Do you use colored pencils too? I think I would.

  8. How cool!!! What a great project, I bet you are really having fun with it.

  9. What a cool and brightly simple project. I love it :)

  10. You never cease to amaze! Love how this is coming along!

  11. What a fantastic pair of dolls - they look so unusual. Your dictionary looks like a great choice for altering - although I know what you mean about it feeling strange to start altering an old book! Claire x

  12. Now you are talking! Vane is a great word to image. I adore Steampunk and this couple are fabulous. I do not know of a Steampunk magazine??? You are really on a altering path now. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  13. What fun characters and they do look like they suit each other perfectly. FAB page

  14. A great couple - they'd brighten any book up!!

  15. Oh my goodness ~ this is wonderful. Tho marking up a book is not something I'd ever think of doing ~ I'm going to have to go looking for an old dictionary and have a go at it. It's brilliant!

  16. I really like this project! The steampunk couple are fantastic. I will have to check out Steampunk magazine. And I might start keeping my eyes open for a dictionary.

  17. Visiting from the Alpha Challenge - wonderful pages. Your couple seem like a pair of colourful characters :0) Mo

  18. Awe love the page Annie, what an amazing 'couple', I can see why you would want them in your book, superb idea. I love the addition to your V page too, perfect.
    Hugs x

  19. Your steampunk couple are delightfull. A word I didn't think of.Have narrowed my choice right down so must set to and make my next page. Am enjoying this challenge already. Hugs Mrs A.

  20. That couple look like they were made for each other.

  21. Fabulouse couple, love your ideas. Thanks for your lovely comments on my pages.

    Sylv x

  22. Two fantastic pages, your couple looks great.

  23. Lovely *C*ouple page. I like how you highlighted the definition too.
    Thank you for playing with us at the Craft Barn

  24. Hi Annie, thanks for visiting my blog and for your nice comment on my page. I love your pages, scrolled down to check out your V too! I missed the first challenge, so I missed the V. I think I will make one anyway, it's got to be complete at the end of the year! Have a great weekend ,hugs Frea

  25. What a cute couple!! They look great in your dictionary!

  26. Fascinated by all your ideas on your blog, Annie, love the altered dictionary and calendar journal, fantastic art!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving lovely comments!

  27. The couple are great, what a lucky find. Love your page and choice of word

  28. Love your couple...I can see how much fun to see them as you flip through the book...cool couple!

  29. Fabulous pages - love that Couple!!

  30. A delightful page, I love the use of the steampunk dolls, very cute and quirky x
    Hugz Minxy

  31. Love those steampunk dolls ! great pages

  32. The couple looks so cool on the pages and the frame around the word is perfect. I really find steampunk fascination but never seen a magasin about it.
    Great extra work on V.

  33. Love this page Annie they look as if they are about to step off the page:) Your dictionary is lovely mine is a fat paper back and is difficult to work with, I like the finger cutaways!
    Val x

  34. This is fabulous Annie, I love Steampunk and this couple would brighten up any page xx

  35. Great and funny page. I like this couple very much :-)


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