Tuesday, April 23, 2013


A new experience in the small world of
 ..... ATCs ..... 
Artist Trading Card
A bitty little piece of art no larger than
2-1/2" X 3-1/2". 

I was asked to trade ATCs for a Poe theme.  Debbie has a Poe collection of ATCs and liked one of my Raven postcards.  She wanted it to be fabric.  So I made this one.

That is such a small space to work in.  My 4X6 postcards are looking quite large now!  I really did not enjoy trying to be creative with fabric in such a small space.
And, without going into details, I was not a very cooperative ATC trader.  Having not traded them before, I wasn't familiar with the procedure.  And not liking making the fabric one, had not made matters any easier for Debbie.  She is a saint for sure.  
I wanted to see how making an ATC with paper would go.  I don't know whether this falls into a Poe theme, but it is my interpretation in a paper ATC.
This paper ATC I quite enjoyed making.  I included it with the fabric Poe Raven for Debbie to make up for being such a shit about this trade.
Then of course I wanted to send it all in a decorated envelope.  After going the extra mile to be so difficult, I really had some sucking up to do! 
These craft envelopes have proven to be challenging to decorate.  It's hard to add bright color to them.  But I thought the darkishness would go well with the kind of Nevermore theme I had going.
And here's the beautiful ATCs I received from Debbie.
A Silk Fusion (what gorgeous color) and a tri-fold Raven.  How clever his wings fold in and out.
It seems Debbie wasn't disappointed in the end,  but it must have been frustrating for her trying to work with ornery ole me.  And I've learned my lesson in trading ATCs... like, not to do it anymore.  LOL 


  1. "Like not to do it anymore".......sounds JUST like something you'd say! They are great though and I was thinking that you might have a whole new outlet now. Guess not, huh?

  2. Ha! ha! - a combination of grumpiness and generosity and beautiful art work - what a post, I'll have to read it carefully again. Your fabric ATC is magnificent, hard to imagine it ATC size, and your paper ATC is very you.

  3. You?! A shit? Well..I never :D. Very cool projects for sure.

  4. All I can say is that you definitely were up for the challenge! I bet your swap buddie was ecstatic...your ATCs are so darn creative...and your envelope is amazing. Guess you must like hard work...giggle! Well done!

  5. Small things are adorable but definately fiddly to work with! Too big can be a challenge too. Guess that makes me a Mama Bear that likes things just the right size!

  6. Wow, I love them all! The fabric one must've been tricky being so small, but it turned out fab. The envelope is wonderful, love mail art. Such a funny post!! :-)

  7. In spite of being ornery, you rocked that project! I would have thrown up my hands and said "can't do it!" for sure. I'm betting that she was oh,so happy with her Annie-originals!

  8. I love the raven ATC in fabric Annie! Those leaves are a nice addition too. Yes those are small and smaller isn't always easier to make is it? I like postcard size and larger to work with. Your paper ones are wonderful too. You have a great touch with making those.

  9. LOL, wellll, I LOVE that Raven, so incredible! Had I been trading, that would have had me begging to do it again! The envelope, OH, MY! Stunning! The paper card, love it. I am not familiar with ATC trading (or the etiquette, but your pieces would have been well worth the wait/frustration or whatever!) LOVE them!

  10. I think you did a very creative ATC and envelope! What a fun swap.

  11. I love what you did, both in fabric and paper. I would not want to make something that small either! Plus, I would ask, what would you do with it? I am looking at what you received in comparison to what you gave, and I would much rather have either the paper or fabric item you made over both of what you received!

  12. I think my THUMB is bigger than an ATC so I could never do those! But I would have been a very happy recipient of the ATCs & envelope that you made. Beautiful. That envelope is really outstanding.

  13. For not liking the size restrictions of ATCs you really rocked the finished projects. Your inner critic is very harsh on you my dear. Very fun envelope you created. Poe-tentionally sensational!!!
    Happy Creative Hearts...

  14. The little raven is so cute. You did a great job.

  15. You are so funny Annie and so dang talented. Debbie's work is really neat - love that silk fusion. But honey, you are no push over. Your sewing is beyond believe - here again I should know!!! Your fabric raven is gorgeous as are the leaves. Now the paper card is right on target!!! I think it is perfect for Mr. Poe. Love your stuff!!

  16. Small or not your good at whatever you create. So impressive


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