Saturday, September 14, 2013

Altered Dictionary - Z

Z is for Zeppelin
I must post quickly, as a new letter will be assigned on the morrow!  I so wanted to choose the word zip or zipper, but neither is in this dictionary...w h a t ???
I procrastinated this time around because first I needed a proper amount of time to grieve for the absence of the word zip.  Besides that, I wanted to sew pinwheels.  In the end I took the easy route and chose zeppelin on the very last page of this dictionary.
Ok, now back to my pinwheels.......................


  1. Awesome once again :). Show us your pinwheels too!

  2. Where are the pinwheels? I'm thinking they will be fantastic!

  3. You are ever so clever. :)
    You have the best dictionary ever!

  4. Always so creative and well done! Glad you managed to get back to your pinwheels!

  5. This dictionary must be defective with NO Zip or Zipper. I adore your zeppelin. You really got bitten by the sewing bug didn't you?!! Pinwheels with the crazy ruler action? Blissful Stitching Dear...

  6. Looks like lots of great "Z" words -zither, zigzag, Zeus - Zowie! And pinwheelzzzzz - can't wait to see them.

  7. Nice window frame on the zeppelin. Looking forward to seeing whatever you decide to make.

  8. Annie that must be an old dictionary if "zipper" wasn't in there. Maybe the zipper hadn't been invented yet? You could have glued an actual zipper onto the page, ha, ha. Zeppelin was a good choice too.

  9. With sympathy -- I know you are saddened with the loss of your word. However, it is heart warming to see what a wonderful recovery you have made. I do like the way you have placed the zeppelin which just goes to show you "you can't keep a good girl down"!

  10. What! No zip or zipper? What kind of dictionary do you have? Didn't they have a zipper before the zeppelin? Love your zeppelin. Clever how it is cut out and the word shows through. Great job.

  11. I like your word choice.....zigzag was screaming at me! Yours was better. :-)

  12. What no zipper!!...but saying that your zeppelin is a fabulous alternative word choice...loved how you framed the definition inside your pic :)


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