Sunday, December 15, 2013

Altered Dictionary - I and X

This is it, the last two letters of the alphabet for the
Altered Dictionary Challenge.
I and X
With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we've been given the last two letters together.
 I couldn't resist a delicious ice cream cone for the word(s) ice cream.
Not many X choices, so I chose X-ray
Then just for fun I went back to the beginning of the book where I left off under A and altered the page with the word absurd.
Many of you dear followers have put up with me and this challenge from start to finish.  Thank you.  I doubt that I will join the new alpha challenge in 2014, but I'll continue to alter pages in this dictionary and bore you with them a few at a time now and again.
It's pretty cool to thumb through this book and happen across the variety of bits of art and altered illustrations.  Although it was rather difficult to take the first step to alter this dictionary, I've not been sorry I did.  This long forgotten book has an amazingly fun new life.


  1. This is so cool . . . I've never done a blog challenge. I guess I'm missing out on the fun. Maybe I'll just have to change that with the coming new year :)
    Keep Smiling . . . love your dictionary:)
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  2. I've really enjoyed seeing the altered dictionary journey you have been on Annie. So fun to see what you did for each letter. Looking forward to whatever new projects that you decide to work on in the new year.

  3. I have loved watching this project evolve, and look forward to seeing more. I've got my eye open for my own illustrated dictionary, so I can have some fun. I am in no way an artist like you, but it would be fun to stretch my boundaries.

  4. It's never a bore to see what your creative mind comes up with. Love that bird!

  5. I'm so glad you started this project and shared it with us. It has been fun seeing your ideas and I know you will treasure this dictionary always!

  6. It's been fun following you and seeing what words you pick and what pictures you choose to go with them. You've opened a whole new world for me. I especially love the Absurd bird you chose today!

  7. It's the end of an era!
    That's a terrific (absurd) bird you've found, I hope we can see it again sometime.
    And now you can do any word you want!

  8. Annie I have enjoyed your altered pages very much. Last week in the snow I ate Ginger Ice Cream that is locally made here and it was delicious!!! I hope you do continue to alter your dictionary and share it with us. Joyful Bliss Dear...

  9. Phooey....I'm sorry it's coming to a close. I really enjoyed the "show". It was always fun seeing what you'd come up with for the various letters. I bet that dictionary is really fun to page through fact, probably more fun than ever before!!!

  10. This has been very fun to watch ;)

  11. I've enjoyed seeing your ideas and the results, too! Maybe you can keep going into this next year?

  12. I have enjoyed seeing all of your posts on this altered dictionary project and am glad you are going to continue showing them to us when you complete a page. It has never been boring.

  13. Well you really closed off this challenge with a bang! The ice cream looks delicious doesn't it!!!
    Merry Christmas Annie!!

  14. Hi annie...I've really enjoyed seeing your Alpha challenges... 2 more fab pages to add to your cool dictionary...LOVE your Absurd Birdie!! ...and I will miss seeing what you and everyone else comes up with each fortnight now...Jan x

  15. I LOVE your absurd bird - great finish!

  16. My friend just told me about your blog and your journal project with dictionaries. Do i need to join to start? Are there prompts... or what's the dealio? I love love love this by the way..... would love to participate. Please let me know. Thanks.... did i say i LOVE this?


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