Monday, December 2, 2013

Altered Dictionary - S

S is our letter for this fortnight and I had trouble deciding on a word...there are so many S words that are easy to illustrate.  But I finally settled on Skeleton.
Then I went on to stamp as in postage stamp.
I also did some stenciling.
Two more letters to go!  Finally, this is one of two challenges I took on that I will manage to complete!  Amazing for me.


  1. It has been such a blast following along with your project. You continue to amaze me with your creativity. Your dictionary is a treasure.

  2. Only 2 more letters to go? Well I have had fun following your dictionary letters journey Annie. I am looking forward to the last two letters as well as whatever new projects that you might take on in the new year. I like your skeleton choice for S.

  3. You are so creative. I love seeing what words you come up with and how you depict the word. Only two more? You'll have to come up with something else for us to look forward to.

  4. Love that your stamps are stamped. You are right, there are way too many good S words. Your 3picks are great.

  5. I like your spookily cheerful skeleton. The stamps and stencils are good ideas too. I looked at the pages close up, and this is a very attractive dictionary with both your illustrations and the original ones.

  6. I will be sad to see your altered letters end as this has been so much fun. There are lots of "S" words and I would have trouble picking just one. Starry Success Dear...

  7. I think you should start the alphabet over again just to further fill that marvelous dictionary! How fun would that be?

  8. Hey Annie - quite creative I must say. I too like the idea of stamped stamps!! I am always up for a good skeleton or two!!!

  9. Fabulous, Annie! (My husband doesn't like the way I'm eyeing our dictionary now....LOL)


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