Saturday, June 21, 2014

New Mail Art

But is it fun or a slam?
I got this new Renaissance Girl stamp.  After stamping her a quick glance told me she looked bored.  (Probably because she lives in my boring life now. lol)  And since she was on an envelope, the phrase quickly came to mind.

I thought of several people I could mail this envelope to and began to decide which one.  Then it hit me that they might not see it as funny.  It could be taken as an insult to their life or where they live. 
So here it sits languishing among the envelopes I couldn't part with.  I love how it turned out and don't at all mind having it around.  Personally I would have died laughing finding it in my mail from someone.  But I've been reprimanded too many times for trying to be lighthearted and silly.  So here it sits because I just don't want to chance the possibility of insulting someone.

This next envelope, however, with no questionable wording, has gone on about its business of being mail art.


Tina was curious about this torn tracing paper technique, so I sent her a real life envelope altered that way.
A Good Mail Day to you!


  1. Both envelopes are great! Guess it is better to be safe than sorry, and you now get to enjoy envelope one!

  2. OK, I laughed like a drain at this. Gosh, Annie, reprimanded!!! - that's terrible - whatever you said, do it again!
    Great post, and I liked them both, especially the first.
    I thought of lots of other things to say, but I don't want to be reprimanded, hahahahahahaha!

  3. Annie,you are a great laugh! I love both those envelopes but you are right,some people are way too sensitive! That first one would not have offended me as I am a boring old you know what anyway!

    Hope your weekend is going great
    Donna x

  4. Oh my gosh! That is just the funniest and cutest envelope! Shame on anyone for reprimanded you about anything...I love your sense of humor.

  5. Well I guess it is better to be safe but I think it is funny! Love your art!

  6. Love them both, but prefer the second one for some reason. Probably because it's more colorful. Keep up the fun and gorgeous envelope making!

  7. I find that envelope hysterical. Some people just need to lighten up. Life needs as much humor as we can find. I'll keep following and chuckling. Thanks for the entertainment.

  8. Haha too funny!!!! Love them but the first is my favorite (love the quote and colors! I love funny/strange things lol ... i agree with Sheila whatever you did do it again! Lol :) loving all you arty envelopes!

  9. Again stunning altered envelopes Annie!

    Greetings, Alie :-)

  10. When in doubt remember.....I cannot be insulted! Love them all!!!!
    Hugs ~ Renee

  11. Ohhh it's adorable! Don't worry about is too short. I have had people take exception to some of my merriment at the Lilypad, and I just say "sorry" and move on! :) Love, love these mail art projects. I don't see how anyone could NOT like them!


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