Tuesday, October 7, 2014

8 More Little Wallets

I'm still addicted to making these Little Wallets, although not exclusively this time. 
I'm sneaking in making them in between other larger projects.....whenever I need a quick cute and colorful fix.

Some have found their way into mailboxes as a surprise.  I've had many suggestions to sell them.  But I'm not a seller. I'm a giver-away-er.  For me, making things for sell translates into W O R K !!!  Sewing is fun and I intend to keep it that way.  And "giving" is pure joy.


  1. They are the cutest little things. I love your fabric choices and combinations. And yes, giving is joyful.

  2. Wow Annie,you are the sewing Queen Bee! Love all the new ones,the materials you use are fab....never see any of that funky stuff over here!

    You are right,it's more of a joy to give. Mine has pride of place in my new craft room.......AND because of you,lovely lady that you are,I bought myself a little sewing machine as you provided the inspiration for me to do it. Annie you are my hero :))))

    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  3. Beautiful fabrics you chose Annie! I like making these little wallets too. Great scrap buster.

  4. I love seeing these. I love the way you have several fabrics on the outside then when you open them up there is another fabric.
    It's always a treat when an Annie blogpost appears on my list.
    I totally agree with you that making to sell takes the fun out of making.

  5. and they are still darling! Such fun bright colors.

  6. These little wallets are so cute and colorful! And I agree that as soon as you sell something it becomes WORK and where's the fun in THAT?

  7. that's how i feel, sure don't want to work , would take all the fun out of it.

  8. A fabulous colourful group!
    You have been busy!

  9. I love your fabrics - what a great, happy selection!!

    Making the minis is addictive - we may have to start a intervention group!!!!

  10. Those little wallets are darling. I love how you included so many different fabrics on each one. Great idea!

  11. I still love them……but alas, not enough to start making them, I guess. I should send you some fabric and have you sew me one OR I should get my butt in gear and get my stuff out again!

  12. Adorable Annie - your fabric choices are spot on! blessings, marlene

  13. So cute! I think you're right, more fun just to be a giver-awayer. :-)

  14. Love your little wallets. Especially love how you used your fabrics!

  15. Been traveling on business and internet has been spotty at best...so fun to get home and see your color-packed post! I love your bright and happy wallets, and I know they will bring joy to those who open a special "Annie package"!

  16. Bright cheery little wallets of bliss. I totally understand the giving and not selling. I used to think I HAD to sell to be worthy but it only made me sad when people tore everything apart. Giving is such a joyful blessing. Dare to Delight Dear...

  17. I totally agree with you - giving away is fun and always makes someone's heart smile and these little wallets are wonderful!! Can you make them from scraps from your quilting? I am glad you are having so much fun with the!!(big smile)
    Sandy xx

  18. Fun-ness times 8!! These are sew fun... like mini mini quilts that finish up so fast! I love your fabric cominations, of course!



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