Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Halloween

It's Halloween time again, and as usual, I've finished an old project but still pondering the finish of another (old) project.
This bunting still languishes with an undecided finish.  But I hang it out anyway.  :
 This next old Ghastlie project has been a thorn in my side for a long time.  I've not been able to figure out my next move with it.  But I finally figured out why.  It's the pink!
Pink is not Halloween for me.  But I put a lot of work into this crazy thing.  I just can't figure what to add to the outside edge.  So I went ahead and bound it so I can consider it done until I decide something to do.  Hey, maybe change the pink with an orange fabric marker!  I'll have to test that.

I can't talk myself into appliqueing more branches and birds.  And definitely no more words!  I haven't even done any quilting on it yet (other than the applique).  This fabric has never been a favorite, but I ended up in a Ghastlie blog hop.  So this project has been a self inflicted punishment right from its start.  LoL
And finally, here are a couple of mail art envelopes.

This next one turned out pretty crazy, but for some reason I like it.  And don't like it.  But like wins over.  Someday I'll figure out who to send it to.

Happy Haunting!


  1. What a larf, I really enjoyed this post. You put up marvellous artwork then grumble about it. Almost like old times.
    Going backwards:
    Love that bad cat and the swooping bats and the fabulous touches of sky blue.
    Double love the blackbirds in the branches with the arty-empty space to the right, a brilliant composition and smudgy surface with great subtle colours.
    Ummm - the Ghastlie project which is definitely not ghastly, marvellous applique, did you really applique the words, birds and twirls? I see what you mean about the peelie-wallie pink but the rest of it is unique, a super Halloween piece.
    And I like your banner, great idea to put this up each year to cheer up the ghosts and ghoulies.
    Happy Halloween, Annie, to your and your family.

  2. You know, the moment I spied the Ghastlie project I could see a tiny (maybe inch) pleated pink ruffle of some sort around the whole thing. I think that would tie it all together….but you don't like pink so who knows? As far as the envelopes… them too (you know that), especially the yellow one. Happy Halloween!

  3. Annie are you mad?!? There's nothing wrong with any of it! Consider yourself smacked from across the big's all WONDERFUL,how can you not love it all?! I absolutely adore the appliqué.....I like the pink....vintage different Annie....create a pink vibe to the spooky season :)

    Extra big scary hugs
    Donna xxx

  4. I do love the Ghastlies and think what you made is probably in the tops of projects I've seen using the fabrics. The words and birds are very cool! I thought pink was weird, too, but I've gotten over it just because I like the characters on the fabric. Great spooky envelopes!

  5. Annie, I have no idea what you mean, your bunting looks great! As for the ghastlie project, stunning work, really, pink or not. It is amazing! I love your envelopes, especially the first one . Boo to you too!

  6. Oh Be Quiet Inner Critic of Annies! These projects are Halloween Fabulous!! As for the Ghastlies I adore them and their quirky ways. Pink doesn't say traditional Halloween to me either...but then neither did purple the first time I saw it mixed with Orange and Black. I think your Ghastlie table quilt with the embroidery is stunning and I would pair it with an over the top pink pumpkin complete with black boa feathers and shimmery white glitter sprinkled about. A small vignette of pure feminine frou-frou. But then I am quirky like that. A little bit traditional and a little bit quirky. Happy Halloween Haunting Dear and Creative Artsy Bliss...

  7. Love the envelopes. I am a fan of Ghastlies fabric but the pink really is weird. I like it in the yardage but once you try to do something with it the pink screams at you. I did a throw and sashed it with pink and it's upsetting. That all being said I love what you did with the fabric the words, birds and branches are menacing, so perfect for this time of year. Boo back at cha.

  8. You are so funny and I adore the second envelope. I understand about the pink. We are own worst critics. I am still waiting for a calendar page!
    Sandy xx

  9. LOVE your Ghastlies table round! LOVE IT!! Yes, pink is not Halloween-y but I think it adds a little 'something'. And your envelopes are fabulous, as always. Love the blue "smudge" one. Bright and playful.

  10. I love all the work! I think the Ghastlies quilt is beautiful. I can really see all the work you put into it. Maybe just put it away and look at it with fresh eyes later if you don't like it.

  11. You did a great job with the Ghastlies... much further than I've gotten. I just pull it out and stare at it every now and then. Your project is inspiring!

  12. LOL I have to agree with what everyone else has said. Oh be quiet Annie's inner critic. Love your bunting and the Gastlies project. Do not should on yourself!


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