Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Man in Town

The inspiration word this week on the Sunday Postcard Art is NEW.

And there's nothing like a new man in town to bring the three spinster sisters out on a mission to be the one that makes him hers.  Poor guy.

I've no clue at all what brought this to mind, but it was fun to play around with a little humor.  Yay I got to play the challenge two weeks in a row!

Keep an eye on your man ladies.


  1. weird? great! I love your card!!

  2. I may be totally wrong here but he doesn't look like Mr. Genial to me, in fact if I was meeting him on an Internet date, I'd take a friend.
    Of course the spinsters may be desperate so who is to judge, not moi, and the one on the right looks capable of sorting him out.
    I need to know how this story evolves.
    Meanwhile, it's a great postcard, so skilfully made, and huge deserved congrats on being in the Top Three shows at SPA for last week.

  3. Not the New Man in Town but certainly the most eligible man in town escorted me into a surprise birthday party yesterday. You should have heard the whispers and then the questions asked of me. Who is that tall man you arrived with and where is Wayne (my husband)? Too funny! The instantaneous gossip vine that began was so ridiculous. P.S. My husband was delivering the birthday boy to his surprise party. The tall eligible man is our friend whom I adore and he was kind enough to drive and escort me. I LOVE your art and story of the Spinster Sisters! Well done dear...

  4. What a clever take on this challenge and so well executed.

  5. Very clever use of the work NEW. I like where you took it.

  6. Great card - those ladies must be desperate!!!

  7. LOVE this card!!Smile for the day.Thanks.

  8. Reminds me of the time when my father-in-law was moving into assisted living and I mentioned that a new resident was moving in next door to a bunch of ladies in the recreation room. Their question to me was, "Does he have money??" I guess nothing changes much in the world, huh? The girls will always be looking for the right guy.

  9. Haha! Brilliant! Thanks for the smile on a Monday morning!

  10. Love this!!!!!! Fabulous as always!!!!

  11. Love your work and your stories! Really gets my imagination going...

  12. LOL, that is hilarious, love it!

  13. brilliantly creative. welcome to sunday postcard art

  14. LOL! Love snarky stuff like this paired with vintage images. You KNOW those repressed Victorians were all hot-to-trot. :)


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