Sunday, February 15, 2015

Heart Postcard

Hearts and Flowers is the theme this time at the Sunday Postcard Art blog.  I had this punched heart just lying around (not used when I made the ATC turned tag).  I love how the heart on that ATC turned tag looked.  I should know by now when a happy accident happens not to try and duplicate it.  But, it's not that bad.

I snuck that tiny flower in just for the challenge.   I purchased a large set of Neocolor II, but I'm not good with watercoloring.  But I need to use them!  They're just sitting there.  I colored the tiny flower with them.  hahaha...that's not saying much is it...haha  I really must find some ways to use them that works for me.

Do you like this?  Would you like to find it in your letter box?  Just say the word.  I love making postcards and all sorts of mail art.  But I cannot keep it all.



  1. Someone will surely grab that beauty! I'm anxious to read all the requests…...

  2. I really love that heart and since I'm a fan of black birds, love it too! Having been lucky enough to receive your postcards, this will be a treasure for any lucky winner!

  3. Very nice card - anyone who finds a special handmade card with love in his letterbox would be surely lucky to receive it - I really find the "real postcard" is underestimated ;)

  4. Terrific card. Unique beautifully created.

  5. I always love your bird art. This is another special one with the grungy-look background (love it) and the pretty frame (I'm wondering how you made that so neatly).
    I've got some Neocolours that aren't working very hard either but some people seem to do amazing things with them. Like colour a sweet little flower haha!
    Who wouldn't like to find this coming through the letterbox? Just about everyone who sees it, I would imagine.

  6. Happy Heart, Happy Blackbird, Happy Neocolor Flower equals 1 very Happy Postcard. You are too funny Annie. I was just telling someone this morning that my art supplies are not doing their art. I don't know why I buy them, bring them home, place them in a wonderful front row spot and then they don't make fabulous art. Why??? Happy HeArt Hugs Dear...

  7. Another work of art from lovely Annie....what's not to love?! I'm sure my postman would love to deliver this to little,old me ;)
    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  8. What a wonderful postcard it look professional...well done.

  9. Beautiful piece. Love the layering of all the shapes and textures. That tiny flowers works just right!

  10. I'm days behind on reading your postings. Love what you have done with hearts. I think my favorites are the zipper cards and the tags. Love your imagination.


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