Sunday, June 28, 2015

Air Mail

I have been following this Mail Art Projects blog.  I began to wonder why as most mail calls are either not very clear to me as to what they want, what they will do with it, etc.  However, I have now participated twice.  The first time was sending a mail art envelope to a woman celebrating her 55th birthday and was hoping to receive 55 pieces of mail art.  She sent in return a mass produced postcard art.  It was very cool.

Now the request is for mail art on the subject of the History of Mail Art.  I had no clue and could think of nothing that portrayed the history of mail art.  So I just did a little history of mail with some art.  I've no clue whether it will be accepted.  I only know the theme and that it had to be a 4X6 postcard mailed naked.  Right up my alley.

I hate that I didn't notice that I should have lined the letter in his mouth so that his body couldn't be seen through it!

I love this fat carrier pigeon.  I'm sure I stole the bird shape from some talented artist.  Then I looked up aviator caps and drew one on the bird, then added goggles to guard his little eyes from the wind during flight.  As I am not a drawing artist, I was darn pleased with his cap and goggles!  This drawing has been sitting around here for more than a year.  (But, you might remember him as a birthday party bird a while back, wearing a birthday party hat.)

I really struggled with sending him off to no one I know.  But I've done it for one single reason.  Simply to see if he sells.  He's flown to a for profit exhibit where all received mail art (on the history of mail art) will be for sale to the public.  Half the sale price goes to the artist, the other half to the gallery.  

Back to the part about not knowing enough specifics on the projects, I had no clue if I should price the postcard or if they do.  I left it to them.  Now I wait and see what happens.  Either way, my curiosity will be satisfied sometime shortly after October 2015, which is when this project opens to the public.

Good Mail Day to all!


  1. No need to have any concerns Annie, your mail art is the very best out there and anyone who receives one of your works of art is indeed a very lucky person....well I know I certainly consider myself to be one!
    Biggest arty hugs to the funkiest lady out there in blogland
    Donna xxxx

  2. I adore that little cap and goggles! He is sure to be a crowd-pleaser!

  3. OH I LOVE IT!!! There was an Airmail Lane near where I used to live and they had a mail box on a very tall post. Also there used to be large concrete arrows on the ground to show the pilots where to go to take the airmail. I guess there are some still in the southwest. Just love the goggles and pilot cap on the bird - Perfect as usual!

  4. Your mail art is fabulous as usual! The bird with goggles and cap is adorable.

  5. I love your postcard Annie! It will sell for sure, no matter what it's priced at. So darn cute!

  6. Is that clever or what? - making an adorable plump carrier pigeon with cap and goggles and looking a bit perplexed.
    Of course you can see through the airmail letter, don't you remember the very thin transparent blue paper we wrote airmail letters on.
    And you can't have a little fat pigeon carrying heavy paper. I didnt realise then that that was why we used the thin paper, obviously to make it easier for the pigeons.

  7. Too bad I didn't know you were doing this. I found an 11 cent airmail stamp the other day while cleaning out a drawer that would have been perfect for your cute little pigeon.

  8. Carrier Pigeon, Brilliant! Cute too.

  9. Oh I love it! The aviator cap and goggles are perfect! Super cute! Good luck-Will be looking forward to hearing how it turns out!

  10. First of all Annie, I don't know what you meant by "mass produced post card art" but you said it was cool so I guess you liked it.
    Your post card is grand - love that bird. Just consider that he has an airmail weight envelope in his mouth. You know they used to be more like onion paper and you could see through the paper. I have told you before, your printing is an art form itself! "Homing Pigeons" now if that isn't history nothing is!!!! Just ask Harry Potter!
    Sandy xx

  11. Annie, I love love love your card and your little bird with cap and goggles is just perfect.

  12. Love the card! The cap and goggles are wonderful. I'm sure your card will be one of the first to go. Hugs.

  13. I love your little fat blue bird. He is adorable. Of course the hat and goggles help! So cute!

  14. Be still my heart...I'm in love! He's so adorable! Great job, as always, Annie!

  15. This is perfect. A fat pigeon. A carrier pigeon, what could be better for mail art. This will sell easily. Who would`t want to own it. love his goggles and hat. Your postcards are so special

  16. Your mail art is fantastic and the carrier pigeon is adorable. Great idea and design Annie! Mar xx

  17. Annie this is uber creative and Little Mail Birdie is too cute! His little letter must be made of that fabulous onion skin expensive paper my father used to write his letters on as it was quite thin and transparent. This is such a fun adventure you are participating in. I hope you and the gallery make millions on the sale of this beautiful and creative one-of-a-kind handmade postcard to honor the History of Mail Art. High on Life July Dear...

  18. Love your mail art....very clever

  19. How cool! I'm sure they will love it! !!! Also, I'm sure it will sell!

  20. Annie, he is fabulous and I love your interpretation of the theme, so unique and so totally you! I am sure he will bring much interest and hopefully many bids (if that is the format?), he is priceless!

  21. Cute, cute, cute. A sure winner in pursuit of money raising.

  22. Adorable! I saw that call for mail art, too. Was amazed that the person is just a few miles from me. I need to find these people!! Hope your card gets chosen.

  23. That postcard is too darn cute! I'd love to receive it.


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