Friday, November 6, 2015

Take Flight Tags

There's a new challenge in town!  Hooray!...I say.  And it's the best one of all.  Why?  Because an artist does not need to use a specific brand or company's own products.  I can use MY collection of supplies... no matter who or where they came from.  There's more.  No specific type of item either.  I can make a tag, a postcard, a greeting card, a canvas, something sewn, something inked, stamped, quilted, painted, 3-D, ... gloriously, it can be whatever I want it to be!  AND, I have all month to play with the current idea/theme.  Here is the link and it's called A Monthly Challenge.

My tag challenge blog has quit.  But we were only half way through the challenge numbers.  So I'm using the new Monthly Challenge to complete a couple more of the numbers.  This month's theme at A Monthly Challenge is "Take Flight".  

I'm using my winged friends for tag #1 and tag #8.


If you love a challenge and one that is open to all medias with freedom and time to create, A Monthly Challenge is perfect.

                             Have a wonderful flight!

Just a little Annie rant here:  I think finding a new blogging host is in order.  Blogger is not pulling its weight nowadays.  There, now don't I feel better.


  1. Those butterfly tags are so cute. Have a nice flight, wherever you're going. Happy weekend!

  2. Annie, Once again you amaze me. Your tags prove that something wonderful and creative doesn't have to be huge in size.
    Did you forget to add the link to "A Monthly Challenge" or am I missing it.

  3. Good work with the new challenge, yes it's so refreshing not to have a list of rules or materials we must or must not use.
    No offence to the bird, which is so sweet on the brick wall, but I am really taken with the butterfly tag, the lovely blue and the butterfly about to fly off the edge and the "8" (?). There are some lovely curves in the background too. There is so much going on in this one tag and yet it has a clear design too. Yes, I like it very much.

  4. I love the idea of an anything goes challenge! Off to check it out. First I'd like to say how lovely the tags are, the butterfly with all the curves really caught my eye. Thanks for sharing.

  5. First of all, What a glorious collection of tags, especially drawn to the blue one with the number 8 - love it!
    Second, thank you so much for the introduction regarding the new challenge blog I've set up, truly appreciate it (and wasn't expecting it either x)
    And lastly, thank you so much for taking the time to post your creations on the "The Monthly Challenge Blog" - Hope you'll be able to join in with me again in the future!

  6. I'm different from the rest....I love the birdie the best! Great tags!

  7. Great tags, really like the blue one.

  8. Looks like you have found the perfect challenge which allows you to be FREE...just like this sweet bird and butterfly. Lovely work dear. Creative Challenge Bliss...

  9. Your tags are gorgeous Annie.

  10. Your tags are wonderful! You always go above and beyond with creativity!

  11. Wonderful tags Annie,love your winged friends! I was sorry to see Tag Tuesday go as well but thanks for the link to the new challenge blog, I will have to check it out. Deb xo P.S. Sorry Blogger is being a pain, hope it starts behaving again so you don't have to move.

  12. Love your tags, especially that bird!

  13. I'm digging the #8, which is surprising because normally I'm not attracted to blue things. But I like the graphic-ness of this and the size/shape.
    I totally agree with you on challenges that seem designed only to sell a certain company's wares or to promote a particular designer's style. Thanks for the link to this new challenge site.
    Sorry that Blogger is causing you fits. I haven't been having any problems, but maybe I haven't been blogging enough to notice any problems.

  14. Your tags are really grand Annie and this challenge sounds great. I like it for the same reasons you do. So many times I feel like everything is a walking advertisement!
    Sandy xx


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