Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Altered Dictionary Challenge - F

This fortnight for the Craft Barn's altered dictionary challenge the letter to illustrate is F. And this time with the twist to include a heart.

My word is frippery.

I think she's being showy.
I inked the backside of tracing paper with a mix of distress inks.  On the reverse side I stamped the image with Black Soot distress ink, stamped a tiny heart with Barn Door distress ink and used color pencils to add hints of color.  I cut out the image and spray glued it to the page.  I used a dauber to highlight with Spiced Marmalade distress ink over the word and definition.

I did not know this word before I found it in this dictionary.  I always look for fun new words for this challenge.


I don't know what happens to the photos when they transfer to the blog.  When I take them they are clear, but by the time they get here, they look blurry.


  1. A good depiction of your chosen word. The image is very appropriate. She looks like quite a flighty girl as well!

  2. Love the word frippery and don't forget furbelow! Funny, too, how I'm picking out words like frisky, frivolous, and frizzle that all seem to work with your image. :)

  3. That' a great page. I've had the wrong letter in my mind in created a page for "K" :D ... But will do a new page during the next few days.

  4. I too learned a new word Annie, thanks to you. I had never heard that word spoken before in all my years.

  5. Your techniques are fascinating - colouring the back of the tracing paper! very clever. Nice work adding the tiny heart too.
    I did know the word, but thought it was a pleasant word and your dictionary is quite severe about it.
    She made a brooch of feathers and ribbons, a little piece of frippery.

    Your photot looks quite clear here, including the words.

  6. I had actually heard of that word before, but never saw it designed as artistically as your entry. I love how you used the stamp to your advantage, because I also don't stamp, at least not well.

    I have to confess, I THINK those round birds I saw that inspired me came from your blog after I had a good look around earlier in the week. Of course I didn't realize it until you jogged my memory. Thanks for your inspiration, because had it not been for your birds, I would not have made my entry.

    Again, I am in LOVE with your art. You make mixed media so well, and your dictionary pages are so clean and uncluttered. And the photo looks great to me, so maybe it's your monitor (GRIN)!

  7. Great word for this challenge and lovely stamp! xx

  8. One of my favourite words - I love fripperies - they are fun. what a great page and you remembered the heart - sad to say I didn't and am going to have to amend my page. Annie xxx

  9. I love that word,a bit old English if you ask me like flibbertigibbert. I love this, you are sooooo clever Annie and you really inspire me to grab the nearest dictionary and create art. The reasons your photos are blurry is because your camera is stunned by your artwork of course ;)
    Donna xxx

  10. Hi. I love your choice of word, and you've illustrated it perfectly. The tiny heart peaks out so nicely! Best wishes, Anne O

  11. What a neat word - great image to go with a neat word! She definitely has her head full of stuff. Just like my head only my stuff keeps falling off or out!
    Sandy xx

  12. I REALLY like this! So creative!

  13. What a great choice of a word! This makes me want to "enhance" my Webster's Dictionary. Hugs.

  14. Love that word - just to say it conveys its meaning! Great page.

  15. What a great word to choose and I like your stamp too!

  16. Great word choice. I never heard that word before. The stamp is fab too :)

  17. Excellent choice of words and love the image you used, she is looking quite fripperish (don't know if that is an actual word or not but I'm kind of liking it!) Deb xo

  18. Interesting word! Your picture is clear enough for a blog I think. I sometimes get the same fuzzy look, I think it's something to do with the file size. I try and limit my pictures to under 1 megabyte for upload.

  19. That is a great word to use for the letter F. Your image looks great. I must try this tracing paper idea, it looks so neat.

  20. I have always loved the word frippery. It just sounds fun! Your image and the details you did to achieve it are pure Creative Bliss.

  21. Really fun word and stamp. I think we should introduce more frippery to modern life!

  22. I love finding new words that I haven't heard before too. Thank you for adding this one to my vocabulary. Love your elegant stamping and subtle addition of that all important heart! Lou x

  23. A good word choice! Love the image you have used for the word.

  24. What a wonderful word - a lovely page.
    xxx Hazel.

  25. :D Great word! love your stamp!xx

  26. didn't know the word either, thx for sharing

  27. What a brilliant word!! A lovely page, perfect for The Craft Barn Alpha/Dictionary Challenge, thank you for joining in!
    Jane x

  28. A great choice of word and the image fits it perfectly.

  29. Haha this word cracks me up!!! Another Lovely page! I love that stamp! (Sorry I got so behind on popping over here.. This has been a backwards month. On 3 more until I graduate!!! Woohoo)


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