Thursday, February 25, 2016

Altered Dictionary - L

The alphabet letter assigned to us this time is L

My word is LORGNETTE

I knew of these glasses but I did not know what they were called.  I do now.

The image is from a book titled Butterick's 1892 Metropolitan Fashions.  

(This book has a copyright date of 1994.  It is documenting patterns from 1892 with style description, pattern number, yardage required, some notions suggested and the pattern prices ranging from 10cents to 40cents.)

I couldn't believe my luck in finding this single fashion image with the lorgnette glasses.  She is photocopied to tracing paper, colored with a distress marker and colored pencils and spray glued to the dictionary page.

For the previous challenge I had done the word LOOK.  Here is the open book page spread.

Had I chosen these words in opposite challenges, I might have illustrated a man looking at the woman instead of daydreaming out the window.  She obviously isn't interested in him though!  LoL



  1. You actually have this Butterick book from 1892?!!! It must be seriously fascinating.
    I'm full of admiration of how you've got the image from the book on to your dictionary page, I understand your description, but I can think of so many ways this could go wrong, including damaging the actual dictionary page. It looks excellent, beautifully coloured, and I'm sure the dictionary approves.
    Nice to see "look" again, how very modern it is in comparison.

  2. I love that you have continued with your altered dictionary challenge. Your art work is stunning. Surely a treasure!

  3. Such wonderful use of the letter. She is a very independent lady, love her giving your fella the cold shoulder.

  4. What a collector’s items your Butterick book dating from 1892 is. Love how you added her to your altered dictionary. She is so beautiful. What a creative way to change the page.

  5. What a lovely image for your page. The dictionary you're using looks wonderful, must be great to work in such a lovely book.

  6. I love your dictionary pages. The image of the lady is wonderful, and it's great to see the opposite page as well.

  7. Your dictionary pages are so much fun, Annie! Lorgnette's must have been the fashionable reading glasses of the time. :)

  8. Oh my, I haven't seen that word in a long time! Love your choice of words and images.

  9. Another new word I learned from you Annie! I am getting quite the education, lol!!! As I looked at your 2 illustrations, I saw the man looking out the window as though he was daydreaming about his love: the woman holding the lorgnette. He is interested in her! LOL!!!

  10. It looks like to me Annie that you and this Dictionary Challenge go together perfectly - perfectly. There are so many things I need to learn and you have taught me a couple on this post. Now if only I can remember what you said! These two pages look fabulous!!! I really like that lady - just perfect. I thought the word "lorgnette" had to do something with a girdle with whale bone stays!
    sandy xx

  11. Well aren't you a clever little bunny Annie, I think I've heard of that word. See this is what I love about your blog, not only do you get smacked in the eye with wonderful art you also get whacked over the head with fancy words too ha ha
    Donna xxx

  12. Love what you have done with these words and images! Great job!

  13. The daydreaming man sat and pondered..."Look a Lady with her Lorgnette". How fun that these two words appear on the perfect page layout. Love learning new words from you in such a wonderful artsy way. Embracing Creative Bliss...

  14. I love these dictionary pages! So much fun and love the words and images you are choosing. They say that the course of true love never runs smooth, so perhaps these two can work it out between the covers of your dictionary! ;o) Deb xo

  15. oh Annie I love what you have done here and what a great way to incorporate an image - so far I have only stamped onto my pages but I will remember this technique. I love your man staring out of the window too - how lovely to be able to continue your book from the last challenge. I'm on my first run through the alphabet. Think I will be using the word 'leaf' but yet to start my project. Annie xxx

  16. Fab page. The image is so gorgeous :)

  17. I love these pages! I bet this will be the coolest dictionary ever when finished

  18. I love these pages! I bet this will be the coolest dictionary ever when finished

  19. That is a great image and what a lovely idea to use it on your dictionary project. I love this page.

  20. What amazing altered dictionary pages! Love the super images!!!
    Mar xx

  21. Ha! You saved me from looking up "lorgnette," Annie! Thanks for that--and for the delightful image so delicately colored. I think what I like most about this piece is that it is on a dictionary page! Brilliant, I say!

  22. Oh this is so beautifully done! Thank you for teaching me a new word today too! The pages work really well together although as you say, they are clearly not interested in each other! Lou x

  23. This is absolutely incredible, Annie. I was impressed with learning the new word, enjoyed reading about the photocopy technique, and really LOVED how you shared both images from your previous and present year entries. I'm enjoying seeing how you treat each word and how you make it unique each time. BTW, I'm impressed by this book of Butterick fashion you found, too.

  24. Great page! I Love this vintage image and your choice of word too, original, and having the facing page is fun too.

  25. A wonderful word and a delightful image.

  26. Wow, beautiful pages, love those images!! Thank you for joining in The Craft Barn Challenge!
    Jane x

  27. What a clever way to transfer the image. A fabulous page.


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