Sunday, July 23, 2017

Twinchie Art

My very first ever Twinchies (2" X 2" art pieces)
I joined in a facebook group Twinchie Swap as I hadn't ever made any and wanted to try my hand at them.  I do have an on-going Inchie project.  A one inch art space is pretty challenging.  Which is why it is still on-going.   A two inch space is much easier.

I started with a Color Burst base cut from my many testing pieces.  I then white embossed a design on each watercolor background.  From there I added punched or die cut pieces also from the Color Burst testing pieces.

This was a really fun project.  It took me a bit to decide how I would mail them.  The Twinchies are placed on this backing card with removeable tape.  My partner can remove them easily, rub her finger over the tape residue and it comes right off.  I love the stuff for temporary positioning.  It leaves no mark behind.  I added a little watercoloring along the edge of the backing card to dress it up some.  I love the effect it created.  So fun when we try out our "what if I do this" ideas and they work!

Of course I had to make an artsy envelope for the Twinchies to travel in.  The harlequin design is done with regular watercolors on a mixed media paper.  The flourish is stamped with Archival Ink and the dots are some black watercolor through a stencil.

I had a blast making this whole swap item!  There are some Twinchie starts set aside here.  I'm toying with an on-going Twinchie project now.  
Like I need another project in progress!

Happy Mail Day! 


  1. Those twinchies are gorgeous! Love the designs and the colors. Your swap partner will love them! I have seen inchies done in fabric too. Is your FB group making them in paper, fabric or both?

  2. waue they are gorgeous "what if I do this" ideas i love to, always fun to see what we can make of small stuff.

  3. meee again,,, Annie i Cant find the facebook group your in could you please send me the link? I love to see this group ;O)

  4. Your art twinchies are glorious. The shapes look as if they are enamelled, especially the special green bird. I am loving the colours you are using just now, possibly inspired by the depth of the Color Bursts? (Although I hasten to add that I also love the colours you use anywhere, anytime. With so many techniques in each twinchie, this is an art lesson in itself. The writing on the background and the other white embossed marks are quite spectacular too. I would say these are the best twinchies ever, at least the best twinchies I have seen.

  5. What a cool twinchie card!! I love your color burst creations!

  6. Sometimes tiny is perfect, and your twinchies certainly qualify. Love the colors and the background text and the dimensional aspect!

  7. Inches and Twinchies and ATCs are very challenging and I love them. These Twinchies really make my eyes sparkle with their beauty. I enjoy your techniques very much and you totally qualify as an Artist dear. You have an eye for perfection and balance in your art and I must say I am a tad green with envy...but in the best way! Lovely Works of HeArt Sweet Annie. Summer Bliss...<3

  8. Oh My Gosh, YOU are AMAZING! These are beautiful. I can't believe they are only 2" in size. That is incredible to do such stunning work in such a small size. Fantastic!

  9. WOW. I love your Twinchies. I really like the way your mounted them on a card. Putting several of them together would make a substantial as a piece of art. Not that each one isn't perfectly complete in itself but several together would draw one closer to inspect them if they were first seen from across a room.
    I see you are using your Colorbursts more.

  10. These are so cute...small but mighty! Your art is spectacular! I love you envelope art too!

  11. These are so cute I could just eat them all up Annie!! Absolutely amazing level of details you've created on such a tiny space, you clever lady you ;)
    Donna xx

  12. WOW says it all, just amazing.

  13. You amaze me! These are great

  14. Wow Annie! These twinchies are fabulous and I love the great technique you used, the result is very very beautiful.
    Hugs, Mar :)

  15. These twinches, I have never heard that term before, are super duper. Just 2 inches and you have made works of real beauty. I think the envelope is splendid. So many techniques.

  16. gorgeous the vibrant colours you used!! filled with great interest too.
    xx Karen

  17. I had never heard of Twinchies! So fun!


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