Monday, September 11, 2017

Scrappy Sewing

As packing to move narrowed down to getting the fabric scrap drawers and sewing machine ready, I had to to stop playing.  But just before that had to happen, I made a few new potholders.

This one came from the green scraps drawer.

This one from the pink scraps drawer.

And this fun set came from the scraps from a couple of quilts.  

Of course they had to have the black and white striped bindings for added fun.  

And now everything is packed and ready to go.  So this is it from me until I get "home".

Now I'll be reading and watching your creativity and collecting inspiration.  These things are already happening and it's driving me crazy that I can't play!



  1. What pretty scraps in your scrap drawer. I'm swithering bewteen the green and the pink, but finally chose the pink as my favourite because it has the little stand-up flower. I'm sure the pots will love these. And how nice to do sewing with a limited amount of scraps and produce both useful and pretty items.
    Have a great trip home and "see" you when you get there, if not before.

  2. Potholders? Really? No, no , no!! These MUST be used as hangings Annie, I can't bear the thought of a pot covering up all the yumminess!!
    Donna xx

  3. You make me want to make potholders! They are so cute, especially with the striped binding! Safe travels home!

  4. Love those potholders and I especially like the the black and white binding. I hope your move goes without incident and your unpacking and getting settled goes smoothly too. I will be waiting and watching to see your next artistic creations.

  5. Love your pot holders. What a great way to use those scraps. Love that binding too. Think I'll go look through my scrap bins and make some gifts. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Nice potholders Annie. Good luck with the move. xx

  7. What a wonderful way to wake up ... such cheerful, beautiful little treasures ... but I agree, much too pretty to use as pot holders! But hanging out over the stove would work! Happy Travels Dear Annie! Wondering when the actual moving day will be? Let us know when you touch down! Can't wait to see the first thing you create when you return home! BIG HUGS!

  8. awesome pot holders...maybe I need to make some!!

  9. Well you have a good and safe move Annie! Enjoy being back home again and be sure and take photos of your new (or old?) creative space for us to see. Love the potholders and they will look great in your home. I love that you have a drawer of scraps for each color. I do the same thing only mine are large zippered bags that I made for storing my scraps. Each bag was made out of scraps of that particular color, so I have a blue scrap bag for blue fabrics, pink for pinks, etc. Happy new/old home again!

  10. These are awesome, super pretty pot holders! Safe travels!

  11. Oh, My! These could almost make me happy to cook!

  12. The pot holders are beautiful and cheeful, Anni! The black and white striped binding works so well on all of the them.
    Good luck with the move! I hope everything goes smoothly and you'll soon be able to unpack your sewing supplies.

  13. You must be moving by now and getting settled in to your familiar "old" home. Lovely scrappy quiltlets aka potholders. Looking forward to your return to being creative and sharing with us here in blog land. Blessings Annie Dear...<3

  14. love these...great colours make them look so happy...well done mf!!
    xx Karen

  15. Wow these are so pretty and practical too!

  16. Far too nice to use as pot holders. The pink one is my favourite but only by a thread width as I like them all. Your binding is always so neat. Hope the move goes smoothly

  17. These potholders are really beautiful Annie! The fabric pieces and combination of colors you've chosen are so lovely.
    Mar :)

  18. those potholders are sew cute. Love the black and white binding


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