Sunday, February 18, 2018

Birthday Mail Art

Another very special birthday has come around that fast moving calendar.  For this mixed media card I dug into my selvage and trim stashes.  Did a bit of sewing them onto scrapbook paper.  Then added a Tim Holtz paper doll and typed and stamped the sentiment.

Then an artsy envelope was required.  I have not altered an envelope in quite some time.  So that was fun.

I especially have not altered an envelope back in an even longer time.  I’m fairly certain I went back later to add an edge to the “Letter” letters so that they stood out better.  But failed to update with a photo.  Not important, don’t sweat the small stuff...right?

Since I indicated on the envelope outside that there was a letter inside (not just a card), I did actually write a letter.  That also felt wonderful to do.  It was a nonsense letter as we email often.  That doesn’t leave a lot to say in a letter.  One must be a bit creative when writing a nonsense letter.  I’ll be working more on that idea.

A very Happy Birthday wish to you Sheila!


  1. What a wonderful birthday card! You always inspire me, Annie, and that quote is so apt for most of my friends these days. I want to know more about nonsense letters (although, I'm afraid most of mine inadvertently qualify as nonsense). I'm thinking a little Lewis Carroll for ideas about whimsical nonsense. :)

  2. Love your cards and envelope and especially the sentiment. Your heart mail art from your previous post was great as well. I want to know more about nonsense letters too.

  3. Isn't that the best birthday art card ever, and isn't Sheila the luckiest recipient. How nice to see some of the art ingredients that made this magical card and very pretty envelope. It's so good seeing you "playing" with paper, textile, stencils, stamps, paint and all else again and a not-nonsense letter is the perfect icing on the cake.

  4. Now that’s one fab birthday card Annie and I bet that went straight to the front and pride of place. You just can’t beat a handmade card especially one from Arty Annie 😍
    Donna xx

  5. Ahhhh, so seldom nowadays will anyone actually WRITE a message or letter! Hope you inspire others as you have me....I'm old school and actually write to people, instead of email or text. LOL Lovely work!

  6. So sweet and creative! Love your work! Lucky receipent of this artsy birthday card!

  7. Ain't it the truth and I love your attitude Annie! This is such a great idea and your designs are always wonderful. Great post Sugar!
    sandy xx

  8. That is so precious. What a wonderful birthday present.

  9. Great combination of medias. Love the lace and the paperdoll is perfect. The envelope is just icing on the birthday cake.

  10. Love your birthday card and that you wrote a letter. I mourn the lost art of letter writing but rarely write one myself. I feel like we are losing part of our history by not writing letters as letters and diaries left throughout history tell the true story.

  11. Your card is fabulous, dear Annie! I love that you added a piece of selvage along with the laces. The quote is wonderful too and the envelope turned out great as well.

  12. What a sweet card and such great texture.

  13. So that's just showed up in my email and I see here it says it is from February. I'm not sure what's going on I have not seen it before though I don't think oh, so either way I wanted to leave a comment if it is from February I apparently was way behind. If it isn't from February this is so weird the Blogger posted it as February 22nd... okay so this is freaking fabulous I love how you Incorporated the paper dolls and the fabric. The lace gives it an extra sweet feel♡


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