Sunday, March 4, 2018

February/March 2018 Calendar Journal

February is now history.

I changed the bottom corner as I wasn’t quite happy with what I had.  Of course I proceeded to turn it into a mess that I was even more unhappy with.  Washi Tapes to the rescue!  Like Duct tape they fix everything.  And just like Duct tape they fix everything — sort of.

Anyway, moving on.  March is here now.  I very bravely gave brush lettering a try.  At least it turned out okay enough.

I look forward to Spring right after Fall.  I am not a fan of Winter and cold weather.  So I’m definitely ready for the season change.  Not that it means it will happen in the Midwest according to the calendar, but I’m always hopeful anyway.
Make your days count!


  1. Lovely calendar pages Annie Dear. New shoes caught my eye for February! Shallow of me I know but shoes are a weakness for me. March has come in like a Lion and we are having Snowmagedden! Another 5 inches last night and every bit of our shoveling, brooming, blowing aand blading is covered again. I might just stay in bed and pull the covers over my head. Stay safe and warm and I am not a fan of Winter either.

  2. As always, I love seeing your calendar pages.I see you had a chocolate Frosty.
    I am not a fan of winter either.The last two storms this year started with icy road conditions. I seems to me we are having more icy conditions than usual this year. I tell myself that at least things are looking up with daylight saving time coming next weekend with more daylight during the after dinner hours.

  3. love, love your lettering. I dabble in Calligraphy, need to find some more time to try this out. I work way too much.
    xx Karen

  4. Beautiful brush lettering! March is so fun.....perhaps we will have an early spring (please Lord!!) and we will celebrate one kiddo's thirtieth and our fortieth anniversary! Wheeeeeeee!

  5. I await your calendar pages each month because you make each month a visual delight! Oh, and to see what you are reading and making...:)

  6. Wonderful calender pages! The white really pops on there! I love all your fun entry's. Lol. Congratulations on your 1st art journal page!! (Also sent you an email... i had 2 for you? So i sent it to the yahoo one?... if you don't get it. I will resend to the other email I have for you)

  7. I'm with you, not a fan of winter. I love looking at your calendars and your handwriting/brushwork is so amazing, you never disappoint. Hugs

  8. I hadn't thought of mending with washi tape, what a good idea and the bottom corner now looks better than ever.
    I love to see your calender, first because it is so arty and unusual and neat, and then to read the good bits. I'm wondering about the 27th? I like your "Finished reading" stamp as I can go straight to the book squares. It's good to read a happy calender-diary.
    March is green - or yellow. I do like the little flowers at the top, washi tape? and I like the bits of stamping, page all ready to record happy times.

  9. It's always fun to see what you've been up to during the previous month, Annie. Your fixed corner looks like it was meant to be this way and the whole page is very lovely.
    Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. I could easily live without winter but also without high summer temperatures.
    Have a wonderful week!
    xo Julia


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