Sunday, April 15, 2018

Abstract Postcards and Art Journal

I’ve a great passion for mail art and am having loads of abstract fun.

This postcard changed since being posted previously.  The postcards seem to appear a bit dull without some white.  

And that’s usually when the modeling paste comes into play.  When the paste is put over acrylic paint and Archival Ink, it stays white.

This is the last art journal page I have for now.  I haven’t been painting with large amounts of paint where there would be some left over.  The postcards are small and they don’t take much paint.  Also no new techniques being tried at the moment.  I’m too hooked on the postcard art.

This was a hard page to find a design for.  I did one element at a time then let it sit until something else came to mind.  So many times I just wanted to tear the page out and toss it to the trash.  And not just for a time out either.

I’m hooked on modeling paste.  I love the stuff!

It’s an icy mess outside weather wise.  The perfect excuse for indoor art play.


  1. I love your mail art. They're all fantastic. And your journal page is quite nice. Great artwork.

  2. Your modeling paste work is fabulous. Nothing wrong with postcards. Your's are terrific.

  3. I love seeing your wonderful post cards and journal pages. I like it when you tell how you fixed something you didn't like. I can see how adding the white modeling paste really brings everything up a few notches. That is a good thing for me to remember when something needs a bit of spark added to it.
    I really like your yellow journal page, I am particularly found of yellow right now.

  4. Your abstract postcards are so cheerful! I find my eyes moving from one element to another--like finding a secret message. :)

  5. I adore your postcards! I like the fact that you’re slowly coming over to the “dark” side, introducing so many mixed media concepts and products. I see these and imagine the postcards as gigantic paintings. Keep going my dear imaginary friends! Hugs

  6. Those are all wonderful Annie! I like the car postage stamp too.

  7. That was a terrific set of abstracts and they look like great fun to make although, I'm sure, also needing quite a lot of thought to finish them off in the best possible way. I am quite fascinated by your use of black which seems not to have an honourable mention unlike white which is the caped crusader. I'm not sure I agree with you about adding white, the postcard at the end seems quite happy before you added the white although the white does gives it another different look.
    Doing one thing at a time on a journal page seems a great way to proceed as you can always add something else, or subtract something with gesso or another colour and I like this yellow page very much (said by one who rarely uses yellow). And that flash of blue/black at the bottom - wow!

  8. Love your mail art. Such a joy looking at them and wondering how you come up with such beautiful pages. Great job!

  9. Thank you for my card, fun surprise!!!!!!!

  10. wow...what can I say, LOVE!!
    Have a good wk mf.
    xx Karen

  11. 😮😻 Holy bananas! These are freaking amazing!!!!!! I love the colors and textures on all of these!! I especially love the treo of men, and the blue car ♡♡♡ you always blow my away with your art!! (I spy a chevron ;) lol)

  12. Your postcards are totally....I mean TOTALLY...FANTASTIC! Nice job, Annie! I'm loving what you're creating.


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