Thursday, August 1, 2019

3-D Pinwheel Quilt

My first ever pieced quilt top.
I love that it is perfectly imperfect showing my piecing skill improvement over the years.

This quilt top has hidden from me for close to 25 years!  

I didn’t start making quilts until 9 years ago.  I was under the greatly misunderstood impression that quilts had to be free-motion quilted with a design or tied.  How silly is that!  I’ve done free-motion on many small quilted pieces, but I don’t enjoy it.  So I knew I’d never machine quilt this top.  It would have to be tied.  Although that wasn’t really appealing either, it would be what I would do.

This quilt top got carefully folded and set aside.  Then we moved.  And moved again.  This quilt top never made it’s way out of the storage bin that it was put into to move...and move again.

Over the last 9 years, I’ve searched for this quilt top a few times.  Because I finally woke up to the fact that I could quilt it in any design I wanted to.  Including straight line quilting.  Not finding it anywhere, I have been kicking myself for obviously giving it to the thrift shop thinking I’d never quilt it.  I went through the kicking myself every time I looked for it.  And I kept looking occasionally because I wasn’t absolutely sure that I had given it away.

During the last 2 years I have slowly worked at sorting and purging my stuff-burdened life.  A couple of months ago I finally began to notice the progress and I went at it whole hog in the basement.  At the very end of storage bins to sort through, buried at the bottom of the bin was this quilt top!!!  Can you even imagine my surprise?

The top is cheaply made.  The pinwheels and black sashing are broadcloth.  Did I hear shocked gasps?  Well, it was what I could afford at the time.  And could not afford batting and backing at the time.  Which was another reason the top was carefully folded and set aside.  

I’m not hard on my quilts, so I expect even broadcloth is going to last a good long time in my possession.  I won’t treat it any different than the quilts I’ve made with quilt shop fabrics.  

At the bottom of that storage bin was another surprise.  It was my daughter’s very first ever quilt top that she sewed.  She would have been about 10 or 11 years old at the time.  I told her I’d quilt it for her.  She’s not taking after her mother or grandmother or great grandmother with an interest for sewing.  Her quilt top is next under the needle as I cannot have unfinished projects lying around.

I still can’t believe I had enough patience to cut and fold all those 3-D pinwheel pieces!  I’m not sure I would even consider doing that these days.


  1. Oh Annie, what a treasure! I can imagine your surprise to find this quilt top after so many years of searching! Finishing this quilt is a great accomplishment and I totally understand using whatever fabrics you had or could afford. Besides when I started quilting, I didn't even know the difference. 😉
    Looking forward to seeing your daughters first quilt!

  2. That's pretty amazing finding it after all this time.
    I can't work out how you can quilt it with the windmill pieces being 3-D loose, I suppose you go around them or hold them back?
    Quilt looks great and you deserve an accolade for quilting an old quilt after all this time and how good that you still liked it.
    Lucky that the Quilt Police allow straight line quilting now. I much prefer that too.

  3. There is nothing like discovering something that you thought was lost forever! It looks great and your satisfaction at finding and finishing it must be rewarding. And finding your daughter's first quilt, too! Yay, You!

  4. Wow Annie, finding something after 20 years and finishing it is quite an accomplishment.
    It looks like you made 3D triangles on the side borders too, nice touch. I can see your straight stitching on the black but wondering how you quilted the blocks. I am guessing you quilted in the ditch. It looks great and it is nice to see your post.

  5. I am so glad that you found it and finished it as it is beautiful!! Stunning in fact. xx

  6. I love that you finished it! It is gorgeous.

  7. How awesome and beautiful ♡ I am so glad you found it after all these years and managed to finish it! It is so fabulous. Can't wait to see your daughters quilt all finished as well. One of these days I will quilt the one I started when I got my 2nd apartment. I think I was 20... so at least 12 years ago...I think I have seen pictures of it in the past. The colors of it are very pretty, but it is terribly put together with thick yarn like string and very very thin fabric. When it is finished it'll probably be more just for the sanity of finishing it. It has made it to my craft room but I have a couple other projects that need finished before it.

  8. The pinwheel quilt is beautiful! Glad you found it.

  9. Absolutely gorgeous! I had to laugh since you reminded me of me ..... where is that (insert the name of what I'm looking for)? Did I loan it or give it away? Did I (shudder) throw it away by mistake? Glad you found it again! It's lovely!

  10. wow...gorgeous! I love quilts, have some hanging and a small collection of antique ones.
    I love the black with the colours, so beautiful mf.
    xx Karen

  11. My mother made a lot of quilts from broadcloth, knits, and cotton, and they are still around. This is beautiful and such a treasure to glad you quilted it! Speaking of finding treasures, I found a fabric postcard you sent me years ago buried under somethings in my drawer. I remember putting it "in a safe place" when I was moving things a couple years ago when we got new flooring. That "safe place" was finally found. I still love it!

  12. Your quilt is just lovely, who cares what fabrics are in it. My first quilt I used carboard cut outs from cereal boxes, black sheet for the top and the backing. I used batting from an old comforter. My husband just got his masters, five kids, you guessed it...but hey, it lasted so long. I have one son that just loved that quilt after it left my bed. So I am sure with the care you will give this quilt, it will last a very very long time. Great job.

  13. So, so happy that you found it. It's a beauty and so worth the wait. I remember that when I took my first official quilt class,(close to 30 years ago) being shocked that we were going to use our machines. I had thought that all "real" quilts were hand pieced and hand quilted.

  14. Maybe that broadcloth is sturdier since it is from quite some time ago. (I know my 8th grade outfit made of broadcloth was!) I LOVE the folded prairie points as windmill blades!! The colors are beautiful against the black sheet. Happy you found and finished it!


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