Thursday, December 19, 2019

It’s Christmas Time!

At the end of last year I found a facebook group challenge to work on and post a Christmas gift every week.  And magically by December you would be well on your way to be ready for Christmas.

So I challenged myself to work on “something” for Christmas each week of the year.  It could be cards, gift tags, gifts, decorations.  I couldn’t be limited to just a gift as I certainly don’t need that many gifts.

I made a few Christmas cards.

Paper cards and fabric postcards.  I saw the washi tape tree idea on Pinterest.  What a fun card that was to make.

I wondered how the lettering would come out by cutting it with die cutting letters.  Worked great.  They are pretty narrow.

Also a die cut “jingle all the way”.  Embossed stamping for the paper cards.

I managed to create a few gift tags.

If my local kids don’t take them for keepsakes, I take them back and use them again the next year(s).  After all the tedious work, it’s great to see them again and tie them to a gift the next year.  

I also made four very cute money gift envelopes.  But they were sealed in their shipping boxes before I remembered to take a photo of them.

I turned the challenge to a personal challenge as I can’t post stuff on facebook that I don’t want people to see ahead of time.  I managed to make something for Christmas during 26 weeks out of the 52 week year.

Here’s how November went for my friends who enjoy seeing my journaling calendars.

I wish all my friends and followers a very Merry Christmas
and a best ever New Year!


  1. What a great idea! At the end of the season each year, I wish I'd begun sooner, and I always intend to, but then it doesn't happen. A personal challenge is a solution that gives encouragement to complete items before-hand may be an answer. It certainly worked for you! All those ideas that flood in too late to do anything about this year, can be the beginning for next year. :)

    All of your work is beautiful, Annie, but that "let it snow" postcard is my favorite!

  2. Wonderful idea to work on Christmas projects every or every other week all year. I love all of your cards and tags, they are all so beautiful I could not pick a favorite one. Once again your remind/inspire me. Working on Christmas projects all year would certainly lift my spirits; I know it did the year I made 9 Christmas quilts for my family.

  3. Such a lot of terrific ideas. You may have taken the idea of the tree card from Pinterest but you took it a long way out. It's my favourite piece here.
    I do like the snowman with his inquisitive button eyes and long red nose and the words on his hat, so clever.
    Was the "sleigh bells ring ......." actually embossed? Embossing is a dark art for me so it looks pretty terrific.
    Your parcel wrapping is exquisite. I can see why you want to keep the tags and the ribbons are beautiful wrapped. I would be quietly recovering them.
    The tree with the little red bird!- fabulous.
    I read every one of your daily boxes. What a wonderful life of leisure with lots of reading ..... haha! - I know the other bits are the bits that are left out. My journal doesn't have any mundane/bad bits either.
    Great post, Annie, just like old times.

  4. Congratulations Annie on your challenge accomplishments! I love the washi tape Christmas tree idea and the snowman is adorable! I love the lettering on his hat! I'm a snowman fan! Your gift tags (and your wrapping) are so elegant...I hope your kids treasure them...maybe use them as ornaments!
    As always, I so enjoy your monthly calendars! Any good book recommendations? Enjoy your time with your family and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
    P.S. I tried 2 times this morning to post this comment using my phone and my ipad but I couldn't for some reason. Now I'm using my desktop to try.

  5. I'm in love with the very first two cards! Absolutely stunning! Perhaps I shall take that challenge....I bet it will make for a less-stress Christmas time! Merry Christmas to you, dear Annie!

  6. LOve the concept behind this post. 26 of 52 is fabulous. The washbi tape tree with the zig zag garland is so cute. Have a Very MErry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year.

  7. What a great challenge idea!!!! Maybe I will try that this coming year! Hmmmm.... we will see ;)

  8. Wish you Happy New Year - I hope it's the best year ever for you that wait around the corner - thanks for inspiration and keep it comming ;O))

  9. Happy New Year Annie! I love all your projects. Would you mind sharing the size of your planner and did you make it too or just decorate it?

  10. Can you tell I'm way behind visiting blogs? Love your Christmas cards! P.S. I hope your Christmas was wonderful.


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