Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Fall Postcard Sewing

It’s that fun time of year for sewing!

I’ve made a few Fall fabric postcards

This design is a pattern from Bloomin’ Minds called Online Company
I shrank the design to fit a postcard.

This design is a pattern from The Whole Country Caboodle called Scarecrow & Friend
I shrank the design to fit a postcard.

A quilt on Pinterest inspired these next postcards.
I cut bits of scraps and then treated it like a puzzle fitting bits and pieces all over a base fabric.

That was somewhat tedious to do so I tried just cutting strips and weaving them together over the base fabric.  While it turned out similar, I don’t think it looks as creatively fun.

Hmm...maybe these two are more on the Halloween side than just Fall with the purple added in.

My September calendar journal...

Happy Fall!


  1. Oh those are great postcards Annie, but the scarecrow is my favorite! I have a thing for scarecrows, lol!

  2. You have inspired me, Annie! I have a small pile of fall/Halloween scraps on my sewing room floor that could be used to make a scrappy mini like yours. I'm going to have fun this afternoon! Thanks!

  3. The fall fabric postcards are so much fun! The quilt effect is so in keeping with the weather and the colors of fall are always favorites reflecting the seasonal changes. Of course, your calendars intrigue my nosy self. What is she reading, sewing, finishing? :::::)

  4. I love the row of blackbirds. So awesome. Hope all is well.

  5. I adore your postcards. But you should know that already. I have a few of them hanging in front of me every day, and I get so happy just to put my eyes on them. Thanks for great inspiration.

  6. Annie, those Fall postcards are adorable! I love the crows all in a row! You are so creative! I am still so inspired by your calendars I might just start up again in 2021 but do a paper version rather than the quilted ones I previously did. I will need to practice my printing for sure!

  7. Happy Fall!
    Neat postcards. The scrap fabric scarecrow and crow have a lot of charm.

  8. The five crows (?) are terrific with their matching border and who wouldn't love the scarecrow with his friend, the bird.
    You are really rocking the fabric these days as your calendar shows.
    I agree with you about the woven one, it looks a bit static. The first is more arty and it has a spider! Maybe if you put a spider and/or something else on the woven one it would give it a jump? But who am I to advise the master of quilted postcards?

  9. Oh, I love the cute scarecrow! I'm in awe of your wonderful postcards!


  10. As usual, it is a treat to see your calendar page. I like this format very much.
    I am in love with your postcards they are always so much fun and so well done. LOL is that a little poem.
    I think the woven postcard is great but I like the way the spider came out in the first one where you worked it like a puzzle.

  11. Wow think I recognized one of these 😏😁 lol but seriously more Beyond fabulous postcards you are so talented those when it comes to arty goodness! I don't know how you come up with all these super cute ideas for fabric postcards. Of course you already know that I love love love the crows as they are still sitting here on my desk on display. And of course the Scarecrow is also so stinkin cute. I have no idea how you're the patience for all those itty-bitty tiny pieces on the puzzle piece ones. But they're so pretty. Hope you're having an awesome weekend and staying well


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