Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas In The Kitchen

I’ve made loads of potholders over the years but have NEVER made Christmas potholders.  How can that be?

I still had scraps from my Bah-Humbug Christmas Quilt and Pillow 
Realizing I had no Christmas themed/colored potholders, I continued to play with the smallest Triangle Ruler.

I really enjoy playing around with the designs that half square triangles can make.  

The thing about scraps for me is that they only make more scraps.  Because there aren’t quite enough scraps to make something, I always need to cut off a bit more from the yardage to finish my scrap project!  It’s still fun to ‘try’ using them up though.

I thought about gifting them to my friend who loves to cook and bake, but I couldn’t part with them.  I’ll make her some everyday ones.  I just had a thought.  Potholders wear and wear out.  Maybe I will make her a new set annually.  Oh!  Good idea, Annie!

This is the end of my Christmas sewing this year.  How fun it was to sew Christmas items at Christmas time.  I did not expect to finish any of these items by Christmas.  That’s a bonus gift to myself.  Time to get some ingredients in that bowl now!

Merry Christmas!


  1. Great potholders! I like how you used HSTs....somehow I don't think of them in potholders and I use up squares! Now I will add them to my list! AND the binding on these is so perfect!

  2. They look great Annie - and there is always room for more pot holders! xx

  3. I love making pot holders, made one for each holiday for my granddaughter's shower present. Pretty sure she loved them. I love how you used your scraps up! Have fun sewing in 2021.

  4. Those are great looking pot holders you have such nice scraps. Your striped binding is the perfect "Annie" touch. I like the idea of Making a new set of potholders annually that is just the right gift for so many people on he gift list. Thanks for another good idea.

    Merry Christmas.

  5. These are fabulous potholders!! I can't blame you for not being able to part with them!!! Also a great idea to make her som annually! She will love it!

  6. Gorgeous potholders! Make a series to gift to friends. Wonderful idea1

    1. Thank you QuiltGranma! It’s so kind of you to say. I thought if I loved cooking (which I don’t at all) I would feel pretty special if a sewing friend made new potholders for me every year. I’ve shopped for potholders and I know that the everyday ones are just blah, meh, hohum...which is why I make my own (because I have to cook even though I don’t like to).

  7. Oh, what Christmas-y goodness those potholders are! My daughter made me some potholders two years ago that I'm very careful with because I love them so. The annual potholder gift idea, is a great one. Useful, beautiful, and made with love, a perfect gift to yourself or others. :)

  8. You are so right, those scraps just leave behind more scraps....but such lovely pot holders.... Merry Christmas to you!!

  9. Love your pot holders. What a great idea and way to use those scraps. However, you are so right about scraps. They multiply. I've been cleaning my sewing room and after sorting my scraps into those large enough to use, I have 7 grocery bags of scraps too small use use. I was wondering if the humane society can use them as stuffing for beds. What do you do with yours?

  10. These pot holders say Happy Christmas to the cook, they are so Christmassy and gorgeous and your binding, as always, finishes them beautifully.
    I wonder why I've never made a Christmas potholder. Maybe that could change - but it will have to be quick.
    Funny thing about using scraps, or any fabric really - the stash never seems to get smaller.
    Maybe something like buying more fabric every so often?

  11. These are fun and they don't really scream Christmas. You could use them all winter!


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