Friday, May 27, 2022

Postcards From Scraps

I’m linking my scrappy postcards to The Joyful Quilter’s blog for her May 2022 Table Scraps Challenge.  
Scraps are perfect for making postcards.  Especially when they are scraps that you really hate to toss out.  But I did toss these scraps out at first.  

I’m working on a quilt using a bundle of Tim Holtz Eclectic Elements called Abandoned2.  It was hard to not keep these pieces...until it finally dawned on me that I could make postcards with them!  I immediately took a break from the two quilts I’m working on, pulled these scraps from the trash and made some postcards for my Tim Holtz grunge loving friends.

As well as a gift tag.

The desire to sew postcard is in full force right now.

I thought I’d try using the painter’s drop cloth as a postcard base.  It works out really well.  Of course serging the edges helps a great deal.  This fabric has a great texture.  I pulled out my scrap bin and just cut shapes with scissors and stitched them down to create a flower.

Oh, look Joy, there’s a square in this one! **snicker**

I think I might like creating a colorful garden of flowers. I certainly have the scraps to do just that.

And then I got started on that garden...

I wish everyone a happy mail day!


  1. Your postcards are so much fun! I've never made a postcard, but may have to after seeing yours. I just love the flowers. :)

  2. Annie, as you know, I love your pistcards! I really like these flowers! Can’t wait to see more! Dawn

  3. Those are FABULOUS! I love each one!

  4. I love your postcards and tags. Great way to use up scraps and such a good idea to us the painters dropcloth.

  5. Very clever and pretty. A great way to use up those teeny tiny scaps.

  6. What fun postcards! Love the garden ones.

  7. I'm sure glad the urge to make postcards came before trash day, or those Eclectic scraps would've been graced elsewhere! Your flower garden cards make me smile with their swirls and pretty colors! I'm looking forward to seeing those 2 quilts, too, Annie!

  8. Oh wow, how I love those cards and all the inspiration I get to read your post. Time to get a new postcard from you? (hint-hint)

  9. Those postcards are a gift in itself! Aren't you tickled pink you didn't throw those scraps out after all.

  10. Love your cards. What a great way to use your scraps. I especially love the flower cards. I love flowers. Caroll d.

  11. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me!

  12. You so creatively use leftover scraps! Always a treat to see what you sew, Annie.

  13. They're sew fun! I love Tim Holtz fabrics too!

  14. Thanks for linking up with the May 2022 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge. I'm in love with your postcards, Annie!!

  15. I apologize for being so late visiting. My computer died after being hit by a lightening strike. I am finally back online and trying to catch up, Annie.

    I'm so cheap (even cheaper than frugal), even the tiniest fabric is saved in my world. I absolutely adore your postcards. You are brilliant when it comes to sewing. My machine refuses to do what yours does. It tells me I need to find a way to trick it into believing it can drop its feed dogs. You have so much talent and I am in AWE.

    1. Annie....these postcards are so amazingly awesome! I saw the flower one on flickr and want to make one of those....AND the purple one is so nice too....and the binding. I love Tim Hottz fabrics too....hard to find them. Then when I do I wonder if I really need any more fabric!!

  16. These are all gorgeous Annie, great use of your scraps!

  17. Sherry of createology: Annie I always love your fabric postcards. I have never tried the drop cloth however I imagine it gives a very sturdy foundation. Your scraps of T!m Holtz fabrics really is using everything and they look amazing. Happy Summer Smiles Dear…


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