Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blog Hopping

It seems every other blog I follow is in the middle of a blog hop.  It's so fun to see what so many are doing creatively, but I can't even keep up anymore.  Although I keep trying.  Dare I even say it's the latest craze?  **cringing**!

I work anywhere from 4 - 8 hours daily.  I try to keep up with flickr contacts and blogging buddies.  I'm doing good to see what those cyber friends are creating.  And I throw in a bit of blogging myself.  And now add blog hopping?...I can only get to that if I'm really feeling like lazing in my comfy chair and clicking...

...and that does happen now and again! **smiling guiltily**

When I'm working, I'm always thinking about what I want to do at my sewing machine when the time comes...usually right after my power nap.  It's hard to draw the line, but I'd much rather be creating something myself.  Then again, I'm so inspired with what I see on my computer screen.  Then again, it's not like I'm running out of inspiration.  Then again I don't want to miss something that could be the "ultimate" inspiration.  Then again....  I think this is called a vicious cycleSTOP!

I am so happy to see that most bloggers have removed the word verification.  They've changed the legibility of those words to WORSE!  I hardly ever get them right the first time now and I'm sure some couldn't possibly be right, but I must have made a good guess.

I've got a few extra minutes, maybe I can check in on a blog hop.  Have a blogging fun day!


  1. Lol.all I can say is I know the feeling!!!

  2. So so true! I myself need more power naps :)

  3. Very cute rug.

    And I get what you are saying about the word verification thing-that is SO annoying!

    Hope you have a super day...getting a manicure today?

  4. Thanks for the tip - I just deleted the word verification from my blog! Love your little "me" quilt, a good reminder to us all.

  5. I'm right there with you!

    Maybe I could hop along if everyone would quit writing new posts. I wouldn't miss anything then.

  6. Do you have a pattern for Me Time.? My daughter sooo needs that mug rug. Would love to know how you made it...thanks!

  7. So much inspiration, so little time. How do we balance browsing all the amazing blogs with creating our own work? I've no idea either, but it's fun trying. And meeting cyber friends is an extra happy dimension added to life. Oh, and we have to fit in some real life too!

  8. lovely work I always find your posts inspiring!

  9. So where are these hops? I've noticed that the internet lately is extremely boring lately and I'm thinking I might need inspiration. Perhaps I should be checking out your blog list! In fact, I thinkin' I'm going to do that right now!

  10. I love your muses...you're always right on! I have so much 'me time" I often feel very selfish, but then I remember that it hasn't always been like this...there were days and years all I did was go to the couch after work 'cause I was too tired to do anything else. So I may jump into some extra stuff in blog land now because I'm retired, but I love it all...and I have heard a rumour that new bloggers like me always go over board their first year, and then settle down...so the settling time is coming! I adore your mug rug...it is just so perfect. Is it coffee time yet? Have a great evening!

  11. As usual, you're right on the mark, Annie! I'm trying to learn how to manage my "blog-time" better, because I NEED to sew more but its easier to READ more...

  12. Totally agree on those word verifications - I can't begin to figure some of them out. I have selected specific blogs to follow and don't know how to delete the ones I no longer want to follow. You are one of my favorite inspiration sites, along with Ahhh quilting, LaVienRosie and a few others. But it does take time away from sewing and I WISH I only worked 4 to 8 hours daily. Just got home from a 12 hour day today and have less energy to sew than to check up on my blogland friends - so here I am. Love your mug rug - hmmmm - great idea for my desk at work! Thanks!

  13. I love reading your blog! You always make me laugh and relate to what you're saying. I hate the verification thing, too. Such a pain! Blog hops help me be motivated, otherwise I'd come home from work and read blogs...like yours....all night. :O)

  14. I've really started to pare down the number of things I do in blogland. Don't get me wrong, I still will follow my favs and keep up with what they are doing, but not so many giveaways and hops as I used to attempt. And I'm with you on the word verification! LOL

  15. I decided to look 'deeper' into your blog and was surprised when I got back this far because it still seems as if we're brand new friends! I do blog hop...but mainly because of the inspiration I get and the wonderful people...like you...that I meet. But you're right. Instead of sitting here on the computer chair...I could be in the play room! It's been great looking again at all your beautiful work!


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