Friday, June 15, 2012

Hello, my name is Annie and I am a fabric postcard addict... 
...and you can help feed my addiction.

I've made a buncha fabric postcards over the past few years and sent them to family and friends for a variety of events or reasons.  But I'm worried now they may be tiring of them. 

But I'm not tired of making them!

This is where you come in.  I've had many admirers of my cards and I'm wondering if you would like to receive one?  As a follower appreciation gimmick giveaway, I want to sporadically offer up for grabs a postcard now and again.  Interested?

There won't be any jumping through hoops to win the cards, but since it's produced in appreciation of my followers and my flickr contacts, you have to be an already existing follower/contact when the card is offered up for grabs.

You can choose whether you would like me to mail the card to you from me (which means I write on it and address it to you and mail it to you naked), or you would like it to come to you ready for you to send yourself if you so choose to (which means I leave it blank and put it in an envelope to send to you). 

Mr. Random number picker will not be involved here.  I will just choose the winners, based on comments here and on flickr.  I would like to know that they go to caring homes.

Here are two cards up for grabs to start this off.  Let me know in your comment which one you would like.  Two recipients this time.

Tweet Bird

Butterfly Post

I so appreciate all the wonderful things many of you have commented in the past on my postcards.  I so love to make them.  Here's to hoping I will find some new recipients to send them to.  Cheers!



  1. wow... didn't know it's possible to make post card with fabric it's such a nice idea! All your design are so beautiful... hihihi maybe you notice, since you post on madam sam blog with your cat i'm in love with your creation! If you want to make one of your card travel to canada i'll be honor to received it.. have to be honest... i think i'll use it as a mug rug at my office, to beautiful have to be seen!
    have a nice week

  2. I too love fabric postcards. They are fun to make and receive! Yours are lovely. I especially like your tweet one. I would love to see it in my mailbox. :)

  3. I wish you'd make them a bit bigger so I could hang them on my wall. I suppose then though, you'd have to call it a mug rug! Seriously, you KNOW I love your postcards and still have every single one you ever sent me!

  4. OOOOHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH!!! Me, me, me! I want one of your art works!!! I am not particular, I just want one of yours. I want to put it on my art wall. :0)
    They are both pretty fabulous, just like you!

  5. Annie, they are wonderful! I love the background prints on both of them. Did you print the fabric? I would feel privileged to receive one of your postcards. I especially like the little birdie.

  6. Annie I'd love to win the bird. My mother loved birds so much that even when she knew almost nothing she was still asking if we had filled up the bird feeders. Since she died I often have birds fly up and sit on my window screen outside my bedroom - something that never happened before. I think it's her way of saying, "Fill up the feeders!" :) blessings, marlene

  7. I would love to receive one of your darling postcards. I would pass it along to a dear friend who is feeling low and I know it would cheer her up. Thanks for the opportunity.

  8. Seriously? THANK YOU for the opportunity! I have a "thing" for birds. Love them. I would definitely choose to have you write on it and I would hang it on the wall in my sewing space. They are both so awesome!

  9. Fabulous!
    Would the little bird card like to fly over to the UK??
    Would you be willing to show us how to make one???

  10. Your little cards are both awesome!

    I love the little bird the best. I have a soft spot for the feathered tweeters.

    How could anyone get tired of receiving them?

  11. Oh my gosh, would I care which one I got!! You really are the queen of postcards!!

  12. I love your post cards. Love the tweet one. Wish you would do a tutorial on how to do a postcard. I'm especially fond of your cat and have drooled over most of your pictures on Flikr. Thanks for the opportunity.

  13. PS: I'm sorry. Your blog is rather new to me. I just found your tutorial on making a postcard. Thanks again.

  14. I just found your blog through Sew I Quilt. I am your newest follower. I love both of your postcards, but that little birdy is calling to me, or should I say tweeting to me? I'll enjoy looking around your blog now. Glad I found you.

  15. Oh I forgot to tell you how I want the postcard if I am lucky enough to win one that is. Please address it to me and sign your name on it. I would treasure it as a beautiful little piece of art that I will hang in my quilt studio. It would not get mailed to anyone else.

  16. I am lucky enough to own two of Annie's cards. They are wonderful! Good luck to everyone!

  17. It's very generous of you to offer! Good luck to everyone! We'll all be happy for the lucky recipients.
    All of your postcards and other projects are beautiful and very inspiring. Please do not stop making postcards.
    I love the bird : )

  18. I just love your cards, and would be so happy to receive one, especially this tweet card, but all your cards are really fantastic!Greetings from Norway

  19. I am awestruck by your generous offer! I have admired your postcards and didn't think there would ever be an opportunity to receive one. You see, I can't make them....just too tiny and too perfect and too artistic! So if you were offering a postcard exchange, I would have to pass. But you are offering an opportunity I can not pass up on. I would love to be the recipient of one of your cards, I have a little bulletin board on the wall in front of my sewing machine, a perfect place to post it! Thank you for offering this opportunity! And of course, I am a follower and a Flickr friend! I would love to see it come in the mail as a 'real' postcard!

  20. "Tweet" is right up my alley--I have a thing for birdies, and french text... and I'd frame this for my sewing studio as the coloring is perfect. Been following you in Google Reader since we were in the Ghastlies Blog Hop together, and you know I love those pillows and postcards you create. Still wanting to make a version of your January pillow for myself...

    What a generous offer!

  21. Your fabric postcards are mini works of 'heart' and I'd love to be the recipient of one...signed, of course! The pretty butterfly would be my choice and you can be sure it would be put on display in my sewing room for inspiration! (I'm already a follower and appreciate your generosity).

  22. Whhhhhattttaaaa...Some lucky will be getting that sweet tweet birdie! Oh Me Oh My ... would I love to see that arrive safely in my PO Box. My sob sob story is that I never did get one from that last postcard swap ... Ratz!
    I love all of your postcards and would treasure one.
    Fingers crossed over here!

  23. Very cute, I love Tweet, but the butterly is cute too...thanks for the chance!

  24. Oh my goodness, Annie, this is the first time I've seen your fabric postcards and they are just so pretty! I have a thing for birds these days so your bird one is my favorite. I collect stamps so the postcard theme sings to my heart as well. I can't imagine anyone ever getting tired of receiving such a pretty present!

  25. (Jumping up and down, waving frantically) Me! Me! (It really is all about me, you know. LOL) Girl, I have loved seeing your postcards, but never been adventurous enough to try to make one. Now, if I had an Annie-original here to inspire me? YEAH!!
    Heehee! I love all of them....would love to give one a new home, especially if it were autographed by its creator!! :)

  26. I. Would. Love. One!
    Both are sew sweet so hard to choose...but the butterfly has won me over.
    I'm inspired to try making one of these postcards; maybe I'll get hooked on it too and even enter a swap one of these days (have never done one of those, either). Thank you for offering us a chance to own one of your lovely postcards and for the inspiration, Annie!

  27. I think Tweet Bird would be soooo happy in my sewing room above my machine. I have a little shelf there with a spot just the right size. I'm not offering this selfishly, I'm thinking of Tweet... ;)

  28. Are you kidding me....I would love to receive one of your beautiful cards...I just love your work...

  29. Hi Annie, I just found your blog and I adore your quilty postcards. I am so interested in collage art work and plan to try my hat at making some collage quilts. Your little piece would go up on my wall in my studio next to an landscape piece I made for a challenge. Thanks for allowing me to enter your giveaway, I love the cute little bird.

  30. I love your postcards and would love to receive one myself. I would keep it for myself as I have made many for other people but usually don't make oneformyself.

  31. Hi I too, would love one!!! The "tweet" is really cute

  32. Hi I too, would love one!!! The "tweet" is really cute

  33. I love them both, but the 'tweet' one is my favorite. I've never tried to make a fabric postcard. I'd love to see a tutorial. My 3 kitties send greetings to your kitty!! (And, they promise not to touch the bird or drool too much on the postcard if they should be so lucky to receive one!!)
    lroghair (at) aol (dot) com

  34. I'm not LYING I want BOTH! Bird is beautiful and the Butterfly is TOOOOOOOOOOO just a honesty answer to a silly question ME

  35. Are you kidding me, I would love one...mailed in a package!! Awesome!

  36. Annie!!! I would love to have a BIRD card made from you, your work is Awesome!!!

  37. Annie I love your postcards and I think Tweet bird is just awesome.

  38. I remember the first time I saw one of your fabric postcards and how awestruck I was--they are amazing! They are both so beautiful I'd love either one, but if I have to choose--the butterfly would look lovely on the table in my hallway. You're so generous to share them with us!

  39. I would love to have one of your postcards. They are just beautiful. I've been wondering how that works - so you can actually mail it? How interesting...

  40. I'm late to the party but I still wanted to tell you that I love your postcards and hopefully I will have one here one day to admire. I'd frame it too and hang it in my studio.

  41. Don't know how I missed this...but a huge congrats to the winners! I love your stuff, Annie!!!!!!!!

  42. I hope someday you'll pick me to be the lucky home of one of your beautiful works of art. My mail carrier knows if it's crafty it belongs at my house.

    Thanks for sharing.


  43. I'm following for the beauty of it.

    Maybe next time.

    Thanks for sharing.


  44. Whoops...should've read this post first...before begging. I would like to say again...that I love your generosity and my offer of a bookmark is still open!!! But please don't feel like you have to send me a postcard!!! Blog love, peace and all things groovy to YOU!

  45. I just saw the postcard you made Caroll, at Attic Window, I am in love. Your card to her is wonderful. I just started to follow you today. What talent you have. I need to check out your tutorials. Thank you for sharing.

  46. Love your postcards. the bird is my fav. I love the envys that you and Carol mail back and forth. you mailart is so inspirational!


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