Monday, September 10, 2012

It's a


I LOVE to craft - I HATE to cook 

First, *begin rant* why is it people automatically think that if you hate to cook, that you can't cook good food?  I may not like to cook, but I also don't like to eat bad food.  *end rant*
I've kept my family's all-time favorite food recipes in my head and in this book that I received as a gift back in 1985. 
It only holds the absolute favorites of recipes, so there really aren't all that many.  But the book is coming apart.
For years I've been wanting to craft a more fun way to store these recipes.  Lots of ideas have come to mind but none that really grab my attention.  Then a few days ago I saw a recipe card contest and I knew immediately what I wanted to do with these special recipes.

I started with a really simple recipe that is just in my head and no specific measurements.  I wanted it to all fit on the front of the card.  I love how it came out so I tried another one. 

 So fun !!!
Here's what I'm not telling you.... I was going to submit one for the contest.  However, they don't return your work.  Which means I needed two.  One for them, one for me.  Well, I don't want to do two the same.  I want to get along to making my next recipe card. So, to heck with a contest! 

And the backs are getting a bit dressed up as well. 

I haven't yet worked out how I want to do the longer recipes. Maybe a card that folds, so-to-speak.  I like ingredients and instructions both visible at the same time 
I think I'm going to have bunches of fun working on these.  I got a paper mache recipe box at Hobby Lobby that I will cover and decorate...maybe. 
I'd really like to find a clear acrylic box for this project.

Wow, this almost makes me think I could like cooking....nah!...that'll NEVER happen!


  1. OMG...they're adorable, but I would worry about messing them up. I'm apparently not a very neat cooker/baker and always seem to drop something on the recipe itself. Mine are ALL encased in plastic sleeves just for that reason. lol (I will keep my eyes open for an acrylic box for you.)

  2. You are going to have the best recipe box ever!! This is soooo cute!

  3. Amazing again! What a fabulous idea that I will never, ever copy. ;)
    How much fun you will have making these recipe cards.

    And why wouldn't the contest return your cards? Strange.

  4. Awesome!

    Right there with you on the cooking thing. I can do it...but don't like to....except baking....but that makes me fatter so I avoid it.

  5. This a wonderful, amazing idea. I'm glad you ditched the contest. For the most part, unless it's going into a museum or such, any entity that does not let you retain ownership of your item is not treating you fairly as an artist. It's also the first hint that they do not view you as an artist, but a "crafter", and that they are going to retain all the power in the relationship.

    I see a business opportunity for you here if you want it. These cards are so well done. Many families have a recipe or two that is a matriarch's signature dish or just means family to them. I see these hanging pridefully in many kitchens or dining rooms as a loving reminder of someone special. They'll never loose the recipe!

  6. You are too clever!! What a fun project and something that will last forever.

  7. OH. WOW. Seriously. These are just awesome. I can't even find the words to tell you how much I love them. Just amazing!

  8. What a great idea. Love the idea of the see through box, better to show them off. You do have a lot of fun. Thank you for sharing.

  9. well maybe you'll not like to cook but you'll appreciat choosing what to cook. those cards are beautiful

  10. OMG talk about a family heirloom. In future someone is going to fighting about who gets granny's recipe box! Amazing, you'll have to mention this specifically in the will!

  11. we are evil twins as I loathe cooking but am able to make good food...we just have to be motivated right?

    I adore your recipe card idea - I have about 30 recipes for you to do for me like this m'kay? :D

  12. Just beautiful, Annie! You will have the prettiest recipe box around. Let someone else do the cooking... you've got some awesome crafting to do! ;o)

  13. Annie, you are an absolute genius!

  14. Rachel, above, just said it all. Brilliant cards, Annie. The first one is seriously sweet. Who would have thought of doing this? I agree with you about making the same thing twice, terminally boring. And you know I like a good rant, although that was only a little one.

  15. Very clever! Perhaps for the longer recipes you could do a combination- have the ingredients on the front and a pocket in the back from which your remove the instructions? I would be terrified to drip food on these lovely cards, though. I think I may try your two recipes. How did you put the text in?

  16. We must be kindred spirits because my motto is: "I can cook, but I choose not to" Now that the kids have left home, there is only me to worry about so I rarely cook now. I love your cards and someday want to tackle some of these. Do you have any resources you could recommend?

  17. Totally love this idea! You could put the longer ones on a ring device with a small grommet on one corner.
    Super fun I can say that!

  18. OH, these are fantastic! Your recipe box is going to look so much more beautiful than mine...sigh..........

  19. What a fabulous idea! I love them!
    All my recipes are scribbled in an old book or on bits of paper not to mention pages ripped out of magazines!!

  20. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! How clever you are!

  21. If your recipe cards got any cuter, I'd start to nibble on THEM!! Seeing them in that recipe box, with the tabs sticking up is just too adorable....



  22. Embellishing Queen - I KNOW you are going to decorate the box. I have been thinking about your postcards and trying to figure out what I want to put on mine. I'll see if I can get one done and let you know. Love the recipe cards - and the tabs!

  23. What a wonderfully clever idea, perfect for passing on the "secret" family recipe. Will have to try making some for Christmas.

  24. I love this idea! Maybe just for very special recipes. I hear you, when it comes to cooking..never been a fan...not that I can't cook, I just don't enjoy it...thank goodness my hubby likes to cook

  25. So cute! I like the idea of folding crds. You could sew tiny magnets to hold the closed

  26. wow! I have just become a follower, and been looking through your posts and flickr account - such wonderful, wonderful creations. I love them. your idea's are so refreshing, no wonder people treasure the little postcards and gifts they get from you as they are given with a heart of love and sharing. Such fun!

  27. You are such an inspiration~~~everything you come up with is amazing and fun!
    Love these new ones! I'm with you ~ yes, I can cook ~ good stuff, too. Problem is my DH and MIL don't like "good for you" foods. Sweets, yes, but the rest ~ not so much. Soooo ~ I don't cook!

  28. Me too! I hate to cook most of the time - baking is rather fun. But...those recipe cards are more than fun. What a darling idea and I can see possibilities galore. You did a marvelous job. Did you print onto fabric using your printer?

  29. Hello Karen...(just a couple of commenters above me here). What generously kind words you have for my work. I want to thank you, but you are a no reply blogger.

  30. Be still my heart. These are incredible. Oh, Annie, you have GOT to make a duplicate of one, and send it to the would be a sure-fire winner, girl! And I can't begin to imagine how cool it would be to see a clear acrylic box with all of those fabric gems in there...personally, I would think it might tempt your housemates to cook some, so you could sew more! LOL

  31. LOL! I'll never like cooking either! Nope...and I make good food too when I cook. It may be that old belief that if you're negative emotions go into the matter how good it isn't good. Who knows? Thankfully my retired hubby makes breakfast when it's made and often lunch...which is our big meal of the day. As I've mentioned on FLICKR...I LOVE these cards. And yes...they need an acrylic box because they simply can't be hidden.

  32. What a fabulous and fun idea! I do like to cook, but rarely have time for doing it justice... So I doubt I'd have time to make these lovely cards for my recipes, either. But I adore yours!

  33. Stunned again by your creativity Annie! And I'm right there with ya on the "don't do the same thing twice" issue.

  34. Annie!! A for adorable!! I do not like to cook at all, bake yes, cook no! But with your cute cards my mind could be changed! Darling idea!

  35. These are,amazing,,are,sew,darn inspiring... Recipe for,sucess annie

  36. I don't know how I missed these earlier... they are fantastic. I think I like the little stick up tag at the top the best. What a fantastic way to honor special recipes.

  37. What a wonderful way to combine two passions--cooking and quilting! I really enjoy creating my own version of recipes to make them taste better, look more appetizing, use agave nectar instead of sugar, or to save time. As in most families, my family has their favorites, but we like to share them. So quilted recipe cards, like yours, just might be in my future to make for family and friends.


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