Sunday, January 13, 2013

The passing of
...... Time ......
no longer flies by
... ______________________ ...
A strange revelation it is, but just at an age where time more than ever seems to fly by, I've managed to slow it down.  And I've done it by simply starting this art calendar journal. 
I really look forward to filling in the little blocks with word bits that tell something about that day.  My current life includes no resemblance to anything by way of the definition of the word "exciting".  But I am excited each day to find something to write about in the day's block.  This is the very thing that has now made each and every day count for something.  Even in the simplest way.  And it feels like time has slowed down.
 I have enough space to add that the 49ers beat the Packers yesterday.  (I was rooting for the Packers)
Every single day now there are several minutes of pure happiness while I fill in those blocks.  Plus the many minutes here and there throughout the day while I ponder on the so far today possibilities to document.
Thank you Kate Crane!
Have a great day,


  1. You are so right. Time does fly by but I'm glad that you are enjoying your journaling moments.

  2. Such a great idea. Now I can understand it better. I'd like to make a calendarlike this too. May be for next year.

  3. We all have all the time in the world. I'm so happy that your WAY cool calendar is giving you even more than your fair share! I totally messed mine up last night when I added blocks...and put the trim on wonky. But you've inspired me to get it done!

  4. Your detailed creation of the gorgeous calendars and now super note about what you did are awesome! Just love it!

  5. Love your journal! You have inspired me to start my own. I have been wanting to do some art quilting and I have tried (and failed) with journaling...this may work for me! Thanks!

  6. OOOH I want to see Cynthia's calendar quilt. She does such great work. Glad you are enjoying filling in your days. Great idea with the date stamp. I haven't seen one of those since I went to the library back in the day before bar scans

  7. Hi Annie: Just catching up and love how you have slowed down time. Your calendars are creative bliss. My grandma used to write one simple thing each day on her calendar (free from her drugstore in those days) and I always enjoyed each day and what she thought was special to remember. This is a wonderful way to be in the moment. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  8. This is so fabulous. Exciting is in the eye of the beholder...I am excited for you. What a fun, fun journal.

  9. Your days may not seem exciting to you - but I think they look great with your artistic lettering. This calendar is something you will always treasure.

  10. Holy molly, you baked a pie and a cake yesterday? Aren't you getting to be the domestic diva? Too bad I don't live closer!

  11. Ah, this all looks amazing. I saw your calendar over on the FB page - it caught me eye because of the amazing and intricate detail, and the beautiful lettering on the daily squares. I'm so happy that you found this challenge, and that it is bringing a little excitement to your day :-)
    And thank you for the thank you!

  12. Your calendar is just so pretty! Glad you are having such fun with it!

  13. First off, the art you have created is totally inspiring! Second, I think that the "journey" of this calendar is likely to point out that that "little" things TOTALLY count! I absolutely love the glimpse into a "day in the life of Annie" Just love it!!

  14. And to top it all off, you found a secret way to slow time down, and have more time for the fun, creative! LOL Love how this looks, Annie!

  15. Fab pages sweetie, your hand lettering is to die for, perfect for any 'journally' pursuits, lol I'm not jealous much!! Thank-you so much for your visit too, very thoughtful.
    Hugs x

  16. Love this ~ what a lovely idea!

  17. Yes, the simplest pleasures are often the best. Glad you are having so much fun, Annie, and I agree with Rachel, not only is it lovely for us to see your beautiful calendar but it is fun for us to have a sneak peak into your life. Thanks for sharing.

  18. That looks like so much fun! And so cute!

  19. Beautiful and a wonderful way to journal, Annie.


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