Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Art Calendar Journal - July

has arrived here with a sweltering bang of heat!  Two more days of 100+ temps before we get some relief.  The worse part is the rare added humidity.  I don't like to wish my life away, but I DO wish the next two days go by quickly!

I said I was done with traditional themes for these calendars, but I already bought the stars paper and just wanted to use it and be done with it.  A while back Carol drew some birds for me to make postcards with (which I still have not done yet).  I decided to give one a try for my July calendar in hopes of adding some whimsy to the spread.  July doesn't turn out to be one of my favorite month creations, but I'm not totally disappointed, so I will journal it and move on.

On the other hand, I quite enjoyed working on June.  June had an over abundance of high temps.  Some I didn't even note, but wish I had now.  We don't usually get so many 100+ days.  Obviously I thought the 8th was going to be one of those really unusual hot days.  Oh, little did I know...!

Wishing everyone a safe, sparkly and happy 4th of July!


  1. I love your stars, I am sure it will be great with your embellishment :). Happy 4th!

  2. Annie, June calendar turned out great looking all filled in. Looking forward to seeing how July will look, but I like the bird and the stamps and stars on it so far. Hot here too! Hope we both get cooler temps soon.

  3. What fun!! I really like your July calendar - just a touch of the 4th.

    Sorry your June was so hot, hopefully the rest of your summer will be cooler.

  4. I don't know what you're cranking about. I love the July calendar. Love the simplicity of it and especially love the bird! Great job.

  5. It was 105 on my back porch last night at 7 PM! I am praying it cools down. I like your July - subtle flags in the stamps and an adorable red bird!

  6. Yikes! That is HOT! I wish it would be a little warmer here in the midwest but not that hot!
    I love your use of stars as the days of the week, the stamps, and of coarse Carol's bird adds the perfect touch of whimsy. Carol is very talented in all her her envelopes too! Seen quite a few with your name :D
    As always, your June pages look great all filled in!

  7. How can it be July already? By the time you add each day's events and comments you will be thrilled with your layout. I think it is very serene and the little bird is just the perfect touch of whimsy. Safe and Happy Fourth to you dear...

  8. Annie, by the time you get July filled in with the daily highlights (and the embellishments they inspire)it is going to look totally different! Right now, I'm loving that the bird is the star of the month, and his (her?) expression is saying "Whoa! 31 days of adventure ahead!"

  9. I LOVE July! The simplicity of it with my awesome bird just makes it shine!! Good job, my friend! Now let's fill it up with fun days! I'll do my part!

  10. Hey Annie!! I did not even half way look at your June Calender page - I raced right to the good stuff - your June entry. This is like reading someone's diary. I am such a little sneak. You know I love these pages. Your printing which constantly amazes me is art work! There is so much I want to do .. I am so sorry about you high temps this summer. We are having tons of rain on the East coast.

  11. Happy 4th of July, Annie!

    Hopefully your weather will cool a bit - those are scorching high temps.

    Love your calendar for July and looking forward to seeing how you fill it out.

  12. I like the way your months are all different, July is quite minimalist, different from June with the Bad Boys. I like the way you have curved the word "July" and placed the stamps and where you have put Carol's bird seems to bring it all together.

  13. I think my favorite designs of yours are the little birdies...they are just so cute! I hope your July is a little less hot than your June was!

  14. *I* like June and July...LOL...and I am wishing the heat and humidity away too!


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