Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Altered Dictionary - B

It's a new fortnight and the
Alpha Challenge has assigned us the letter B  
I wasn't much inspired by any odd words this time.  I've chosen Bucksaw as my entry for the challenge.
This "junior" dictionary is already so full of illustrations that adding more to some pages just makes clutter.  I added some color to help my altering show out more. 
My intention for this book is to alter at least one word on every page.  So I challenged myself to choose a word to alter on the first B page.  I chose Babel.  And I proceeded to learn about The Tower of Babel, which I had not known about before. 

I found quite a variety of images of this tower, but this one seemed the most common.  The variety of images was fascinating to look through.
Back in the letter F when I illustrated the word Flourish...
my attempt to only lightly ink my stamp was a flop.  I was so disappointed that the ink bled through the page SO badly.  Once I calmed down over it a few weeks later, I began to read the words on the next page to see what possibly I could do with this mess to use it as part of this altering process.
part of the definition for the word Fluke is "a failure".  And it couldn't have landed in a better spot.

And that's how my dictionary alters to date.


  1. I would want to display every page :)

  2. OMG! I love the bucksaw image. Is it a stamp? Your dictionary is so awesome already, I can only imagine what it will be like after every page is altered.

  3. How fun to learn all these new words right along with you.

  4. So that is what a bucksaw is? Never knew that! Love the addition of the color. Love the flourish too! Doesn't look like a fluke to me! Landed in a perfect spot!

  5. Annie you could have also chosen the word "burly" to go with that bucksaw sawing man! Lol.
    Flourish and fluke how fun was that to have happened.
    I love seeing your dictionary words and stamps.

  6. Very clever with your "fluke" idea, it worked out perfectly. Your dictionary is wonderful, what fun it will be to see your art on each page.

  7. Annie these pages are looking great! i love the buck saw man!! For "light inking" have you ever tryed the 1$ 'chalk" type ink pads you can get at Walmart in the dollar bin or from Joann's/Michael's? I think they tend to sit on top of the paper... (but your's worked out perfectly in this case!!)

  8. "Bucksaw" seems a fairly odd word to me, and I can't imagine how you managed to have a Bucksaw stamp just handy, pretty good. I've just looked up some "Tower of Babel" websites and you're right, there is some very interesting information out there. Pretty good making a fluke on the "Fluke". A very interesting and illustrative post, Annie.

  9. Fabulous Annie. I am so enjoying your altered dictionary...not only how you alter but why you choose the word you do. My B word right now would have to be "Broken" in honor of Mr. C's injuries. Blessings would be a good word for Mr. C also as it could have been much worse. Blissful Altering Dear...

  10. Enjoying watching your dictionary come to life. Bonus: We get to learn unfamiliar words right along with you!

  11. More cool!?! (That certainly didn't sound right but you get the idea.)

  12. You pick the best words! They say there are no mistakes in art so is it really a fluke? Great art, Annie, I love to see what you do each time in this amazing book!

  13. I probably would have looked through the whole dictionary to find something to use with that neat wood sawing guy stamp.......but you found one pronto! Too cool! LOVE the flourish and fluke. That couldn't have worked out any better. Bet you were jumping for joy, huh? What a fun dictionary this is turning out to be!

  14. You lucky!! The Flourish bleed through is what you call a happy accident. Mine you call oh my gosh you made a mess!! The word bucksaw is an ordinary word!!!!? Not at my house - but then again I don't saw. My dictionary is so old and the pages so feeble, I have to glue several together so they can stand up to whatever I decide to do. The Tower of Babel odd - there is a Baboon close by! You are so much fun to follow!

  15. Ah, only you could have turned your flourish and (alleged) failure into such a stellar two page spread....LOL Truly, Annie, you do such wonderful things! I enjoy these posts!

  16. Hi Annie, I've had the same problem in my dictionary, the pages are so thin that anything stamped directly on to the page tends to bleed through, I'm glad yours was a "happy" accident though. Your B pages are great, how lucky to find that bucksaw image. Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment. MMx

  17. P.S. Didn't see your entry over at The Craft Barn - don't forget to link. MMx

  18. Fantastic pages Annie! I didn't see your entry neither :(

  19. Great pages and word choices and your 'fluke' worked out very well too! xx

  20. Oh Annie, your "fluke" to "failure" is such a concidence in the right spot on that page...but I find all your work is successful in my eyes!

  21. Fabulous art and educational, as always!


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