Sunday, February 2, 2014

Art Journal 2014 - January

January 2014
Art Journal
I didn't get to start off the year journaling as creatively as I had hoped.  But the important thing is that I did the journaling.  I'm taking a free form approach this year.  That way I can switch directions on any given day.

Wait a minute...don't ooh aah that second page design yet.  I did not make that wonderfully artistic looking page.
   chrisg62 created it.  NOW you may ooh and aah it.  By clicking on Chris' name, you'll go to her flickr photostream where you can gaze upon all her artistic creations.  She has so generously given me  permission to print and journal on her fun creations. 
I know not why artistic-paged journals like Chris' pages are not sold retail!  I don't want to create the pages.  I just want to journal them.  I would so buy a ready-made journal if one had these kind of pages in it.....hint hint to all you talented journal page makers!
If you don't read what I wrote, you won't know how boring my life is.  But if you just glance at my journal pages, it looks like I have a really fun life, doesn't it!  hahaha
Moving along with February now........

Note to are a noreply blogger.  I can't mail you a postcard if I can't contact you for your mailing info.


  1. Love your friends journaling pages….wow! Such an artist, it's no wonder you'd love to journal on them…who wouldn't? AND…yes, it does look like you have a fun, full life…..but, in many ways, you do! Look at all you accomplished last month! Bravo!

  2. Well Annie I like both those pages. I went to the link you provided and Chris does have some great pages, wow! I do enjoy all that you do too, so why not create your own when the mood strikes?

  3. Gosh, yes, you do have a fun life, nothing but art and crafting every day ............
    I love happy blog posts, who wants to read about trials and tribulations in an art blog, so thanks Annie.
    Glad the Story of the Spectacles had a happy ending, otherwise we would have had to wait till the end of Februrary to find out.
    And where are your inchies, I want to see an Annie inchie soon.
    Have a great Sunday and a marvellous next week with lots of happy making art.

  4. Love your pages.

    If you find your life boring, maybe you should try something new. Anyone can have an interesting looking life to someone who is living a different one. I think it is all a matter of routine.

  5. Good for you. Mine will pretty soon just say - work, work, work. But I will try to add in a dash of fun now and then.

  6. Love the way you're doing the journal and I finally get what you meant by free form. And what the hell is an inchie? And zebra design cool were those??? Glad you can see again :)

  7. Okay, I want to know what you are going to do with those inchies that you are addicted to.

  8. How did you know that I was oohing and aahing! As much as I love the oddly familiar I was oohing and aahing over the calendar page with your itsy bitsy printing. That in itself is a work of art!!!
    Sandy xx

  9. Great idea! I love what you did with it to make it your own. Your life is not as boring as you might think....sounds fun to me.

  10. Such fun...I always love seeing these!

  11. I have always thought of you as an artist with lots of creative talents. I can understand the allure of using pre-created pages. I have been known to buy a journal style calendar just for the artwork. Keeping your options open to "switch directions" any time you want is very smart. Creative Bliss Dear...

  12. Maybe I should journal...cos I have a boring life...maybe that will spruce it up for up coming generations!

  13. Did yu get my reply? I am not a no-reply blogger except to those with Blogger platforms blogger doesn't play nicely with the Wordpress platform my email is

    I would love your postcard


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