Thursday, January 30, 2014

One More Postcard

All the postcards in my previous post have all found wonderful new homes.  This makes me SO happy!  You are all so generously kind with your comments for my beloved postcards.  Thank you so, so much!
But, oops, I've got one more!
Smile (paper)
Do you want to find this postcard in your mail?
If you haven't been chosen to receive a postcard from me, please don't give up.  I create them as fast as I can when inspiration strikes.  New ones are always on the way.  And, if you've already received a postcard but would enjoy more, please don't hesitate to speak up.
I'll crawl into a hole and wither up if I ever run out of postcard requests....please don't let that happen!  lol
Mail Art Love to you all,


  1. I love your work. I would love you to send one to my cousin in Afghanistan

  2. Thank you again, you're so sweet, and so are your cards.

  3. I love the pale turquoises and the bicycles and the little bits of washi tape just wandering casually in. This is a really super postcard, Annie.

  4. I never grow tired of your postcards...I love all the ones you make, including this one. You are so good! :O)

  5. Annie I have been lost and missed your postcards so I went backwards and reviewed them. Going Forwards Backwards is my way lately...
    You know I adore your art and cherish my envelope. These are each wonderful. Happy Mailing Dear...

  6. Love the circus feel of this one!

  7. Truly, I'm surprised there aren't a whole long list of people who would beg for your art! Each one is a beauty in itself! Keep up the good work……we are all inspired!

  8. Whoop! Whoop! The circus is coming to town and the star attraction is Miss Annie herself with her amazing postcards. Sugar, who wouldn't want a post card from you!!!!!
    Sandy xx

  9. I would love to receive a beautiful card from you....I already have one from Carol, now I need the other bookend...LOL...thanks for the giveaway...

  10. How could your "forget" the elephant! Ha ha. Another great card with words of wisdom.

  11. crawling into holes and withering's such an unattractive look.

  12. Your elephant card is fabulous. You made me grin.

  13. Haha! Love the text....fantastic! (Please don't crawl in a hole...we all love you!)

  14. You continue to amaze me with your creativity and generosity! Have a great day!

  15. All right, I won't give up trying! I an so fond of elephants, real and representational I wouldvlovevto receive this one in the mail!

  16. I love the elephant postcard. Having lived in Thailand elephants are one of my favorite animals. It is the only place I have ever had to stop my car at a crosswalk to let an elephant cross the road.

  17. WOWZA!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE him!! (love elephants!) and your style is fa-nominal!!!


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