Saturday, May 17, 2014

Pretty Post-Its Pads

About three posts earlier, I said I thought I wanted to make some fun Post-It note pad jackets...and lookie here.  I've actually made a few.  These are the fronts.
And these are the backs.
 I have also become the newest member of the Gesso Club.  I didn't want to join, but I saw no alternative.  I have lots of paper that is dark and not very usable for me.  The magic of Gesso lightens the paper design considerably to accommodate my love of stamping.

What I don't like about water based paints is the dry dusty feel of it.  I did sand lightly to make sure I had a smooth surface.  I thought it might also take away some of the "dry feel".  Nope.  So, when I was done, I sprayed the jacket with a matte sealer.  It turned out smooth and most importantly, flexible.  Happy camper here!
I know a few people who are going to love these as hostess thank you gifts!


  1. Gesso is our friend. :) But sometimes I just use white acrylic paint to cover a dark surface. Fabulous post-it note holders!

  2. E-gads, who wouldn't love those post it note pads…so pretty and all! Wow, I love each one of them, but especially LOVE the fish on the back of the orange one for some goofy reason. Who knows why? Keep up the amazing creativity! I'm sure glad one of us has some. I think mine all got lost somewhere. lol

  3. works of art, each and every one. Wow.

  4. Oh Annie, I wish I knew and understood more about art. You post was like a foreign language to me! But what I do know is that you are an artist and I love your work. These are wonderful!

  5. Hmm now that's an interesting use for gesso. I'm sure it's a technique that lots of stompers already know, but it might be just what I needed to learn for a project I'm working on right now. If it works, I'll be sure and share!

  6. These are fabulous! I love the man on the top left especially! And the cute fish on the back.... adorable! Also i may have an alternative that is faster than gesso for your white-wash needs.... have you tryed the Tim Holtz stain in picket fence (aka white ).... if you haven't seen it before he has a video on YouTube ... it's awesome stuff and you can build up the color... it is still chalky feeling but thin so its not really textury like gesso if you add to much... if that makes any anyway love these post-it jackets!

  7. Annie those are all beautiful! Those would make lovely gifts and they are so useful too.

  8. So amazingly detailed and gorgeous! So cool :)

  9. Annie, you are really rocking with these, you have discovered a new way of making your art.
    First of all I think the square format is so very effective and attractive, but then your designs too are just perfect.
    I have to try to choose favourites, so - the two top right (I love the square stamp of the face and the orange checkerboard) and then the fish (love the white stars against the orange) and the yellow "A".
    These are all terrific!

  10. Love those post it pads. Very creative. The backs are just as beautiful as the fronts!

  11. You clever lady - wonderful!!! I still love Madame Butterfly best of all!
    Sandy xx

  12. Glorious little works of art and wonderful gifts. Your use of gesso to lighten the paper for stamping is quite clever. Your stampings are very interesting...rather old worlde. I especially like your string closures for safe keeping of the folders. Uber Creative Bliss Dear...

  13. What a great idea. Perfect little gifts. These are beautiful as always.

  14. Welcome to the CLUB! Love the way these turned out. They are awesome, perfect hostess gifts, very beautiful and useful. :-)

  15. These little pads are fabulous! Annie, you are so creative!


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