Thursday, February 1, 2018

Hearts Runner and Potholders

I have not been sewing much lately.  This is a table runner and potholders I made a lot of years ago.
Before my days of blogging.

I dug these out of their long sleep in storage.  After all, it’s the month of hearts now.

Things that have been in storage a long time are like new again.


  1. Hello Annie. Things stored away for a while are like brand new when rediscovered. Lovely Hearts Runner and Potholders. Fabulous February Fun...<3

  2. Love your table runner and pot holders. You have given me an idea as to what to do with my leftover hearts from my last table topper.

  3. I love the way the hearts overlap on the table runner and the contrast with the black and white! It's fun to find the perfect accessory after something has been packed away for a while. I would want those potholders on display!

  4. Wow these beauties have been hidden away for too long Annie!! I’m not just saying this but you are absolutely exceptional at sewing so you better get back to it young lady 😍😍😍
    Donna xx

  5. That runner is so pretty...very heartsy!

  6. These are lovely and just perfect for February, Annie! I see that you use your b+w signature fabric for many years already. Very cool!
    Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!
    xo Julia

  7. Annie, I love your table runner and potholders; they look right "up to date". Good design never goes out of style. Once again you have inspired me. I have been thinking about what to do with my stash of "valentine" fabric and I need a table runner, sounds like a plan. Thank you for the inspiration.

  8. Oh, these are lovely! So perfect for the month of romance! Heehee! Isn't it fun to see things that have been stored and forgotten for a time? Beautiful!

  9. It is amazing how fresh storage makes our treasures. Love these pieces. Wishing you a heartfelt month.

  10. Wow! Put things away for awhile and they feel brand new again, these are timelessly beautiful. I love your sewing designs. You’re such a perfectionist.

  11. waue great piece of work, love it - have a great week end

  12. They look nice and fresh after their long sleep. Don't we all.
    All the appliqued sewing looks terrific. If I ever do sewing again I'll think of a table runner. I can just imagine yours on top of my nice tablecloths (which I also made before blogging).
    Hope seeing these historic pieces inspires you to make more art, textile or otherwise.

  13. Fantastic - please do not quit your sewing - you do such an amazing job!
    Sandy xx

  14. These are beautiful! You are so talented! These still look new and perfect

  15. GAH! I adore these. When you're done with them, you know my address. (wink)


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