Wednesday, May 9, 2018

April/May 2018 Calendar Journals

Let me see, which day block shall I write...
“I’m becoming a lazy blogger” ?

April is history already!

I became officially old a few days ago... I am now on Medicare.

Living through May now.  

It’s my fault that it does nothing but rain now.  I had my bicycle readied for riding and rode only one single day to work and now it will rain waaay too much to please me.


  1. Hello! I thought we had lost you, good to see you again!
    April looked like a lot of fun and the May calender looks lovely and warm and just ready for some nice weather. Maybe if you put your bike away it will fool it?

  2. Welcome to 65 and Medicare. I find getting older quite refreshing and less stressful than younger years. Celebrate and enjoy your days dear. I will try to send you Sunshine! <3

  3. Welcome to a new time in your life. You are going to have so much fun. Keep up the good work on walking! 13000 steps is awesome. My goal used to be 10,000 but I haven't hit that in a while. I'm not complaining about the rain. That means I don't have to water the lawn.

  4. Congratulations on your "milestone Birthday.It looks like you had a good month. Lots of reading, a 13000 step walk, a Birthday, at least 2 Birthday cakes. Plus decluttering, a bike ride, lunches and dinners out, that doesn't sound like OLD to me. Love your April calendar, looking forward to May.

  5. LOL Love the day that says "long nap"!!

  6. LOL, is that why it rained today? I'm halfway around the world, so it's not your fault... but the local school did host a bike to school day across the street. So, that must have been the reason for raindrops on my window. ;)

  7. I love how this one came out with it completely finished. I like the way you wrote around the tree branches. And next month looks very cool too


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