Tuesday, February 18, 2020

February Paper Crafting

Because it’s February, there was some heart themed paper crafting happening.

I only made two Valentine cards.

For Postcrossing, it is a bit rare that people will gladly accept handmade postcards.  Most want “real” postcards.  What?...what isn’t real about a postcard of any kind if it can travel through the mail?

I got lucky with a couple of Postcrossers that were open to handmade postcards.

I always have a grand time playing with hearts.

January 2020


  1. What? Those are the most real postcard I've ever seen. Beautiful.

  2. How I love the perfection of your mail art! One heart and so many wonderful interpretations, with all the depth of background--such elegant simplicity. And the monthly calendar :) I always check the books you read. I'm a constant scavenger of book titles and read for a good part of every day. Congratulations on your raise!

  3. Your postcards are REAL and wonderful, as always. Looking up close at each one, I am amazed at the detail. All that detail and the different textures especially on the top card 2 cards make them a treasure. I think that in person the textures are probably much more than visual.
    I counted 9 books that you finished reading. I wonder do you have a Kindle or do you prefer to actually turn the paper pages?

  4. Beautiful cards and postcards! I totally agree that handmade postcards are still postcards! I haven't been lucky enough to get anyone on there who would like handmade ones... I only do it occasionally now if the mood strikes. I'd rather mail to my arty pals when I get the time. I need to get some time in my craft room, but haven't had as much as I'd like recently. Too many people on vacation needing me to fill in, and on my days off always on the go or just no energy. This weekend I'm taking mom to the dyan reaveley seminar at Stampers anonymous in Cleveland. I'm really looking forward to it! Did you get the new tins for Tim's ink storage?

  5. Your art is beautiful. Who wouldn't love one of your postcards or any postcard?

  6. The first card has a really interesting background with the little stencilled(?)/collaged(?) squares and I love the 3D swirls on both giving both cards a bounce.
    I suppose what these postcard people might mean is that they don't like "home-made" cards? - which can be a world away from your Art cards. Or do they mean they want seaside views ("Wish you were here")?
    Your two postcards here are sublime. Maybe it would be worth sending to one or two people to see what they think? I'm sure they would be surprised and delighted.

  7. Lovely post cards...and I am with you...a postcard is a postcard....except yours are better

  8. I love your post cards....I especially like how you meld different things together. The longer I look, the more details I see! Awesome!

  9. Wow, you are so creative with your cards and postcards! So gorgeous, how could anyone not love them? And what a great idea to journal your month in that way. What size paper do you use for your calendar?


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