Thursday, March 5, 2020

Paper and Mail Art

More paper crafting and some mail art finished out February.

A special Birthday Card 

I tried a little bit more master board inking.

One of the larger master board pieces cut apart then I added some modeling paste through a stencil.  

An art postcard using inks, rubber stamps and washi tapes.

Amazon delivered a couple of new wax seal stamps.  Gosh they’re fun to play with these days.  They were not near so easy to use way back when.

It seems it will take me a bit of practice to guess the correct size of wax blob to make.  I love the metallic markers that can be used to make the image come to life.  Love this skull and cross bones.

I’m having a gay ole time writing letters and sealing them up with wax seals.

Lastly, my February calendar journal.  Written with my glass pen and inks.

I’m hopelessly hooked writing with such a beautiful modern old fashioned writing tool.


  1. Once again, you nailed the beautiful cards and postcards! I remember those old wax seals...I know I still have some 😉 Annie, you are bringing back snail mail letter writing! That's the kind of mail I could enjoy! Your calendar is so neat. Love reading your adventures!

  2. How I love your mail! You have such an artistic eye for colors, shapes, and placement, and I always love seeing what you are up to. Wax seals are so much fun, and I WANT that skull and crossbones! How appropriate for my favorite season of October mail art. Of course, the calendar is always a highlight. :)

  3. That is a beautiful graphic Birthday card. The recipient is a lucky person indeed.
    I'm interested in your master board inkings, with the gorgeous colours and sploshes, they look like a great start to a collaged card.
    Your art postcard is magical - it reminds me of the complex art on a banknote.
    Wax seal stamps with the metallic coloured image look good. I wonder if they cause any problems going through the automatic mail sorters? I would love to use a wax seal rather than the bit of sellotape I use to seal a not-very-sticky envelope flap.
    Finally I absolutely love this calendar page, the very neat day outlines, the month described with newspaper-cut initials and all the beautifully written and happy entries.

  4. Your birthday card is beautiful and so are all your projects. I have a few of those wax seal stamps. Do you send them through the mail? Years a go I did but that was before things were as automated as they are now.

  5. Will you have had a very busy month with lots of reading and writing! I love this calendar page of course oh, and as always your handwriting is beautiful. That are postcard is also super beautiful. You're making me want to make Master boards again. I haven't made any in a few years. I always enjoyed them when I did. Don't even know why I haven't done it in so long. Probably because I have a million things going on all the time and more ideas that I know what to do with LOL. I can even tell you the last project I made with a master board. It was a really hard really style one and I made an art envelope with the hundred proof press bunny on it. It was probably three plus years ago... it was very bright and fun. Well I hope you are having a wonderful week. And hope the snow is gone for you so you can get out to biking soon. Yesterday was almost 70 here. I spent it inside all day because I had to work. Today and tomorrow I think you're supposed to rain well today actually is already raining. And I think it is going to be in the 50s


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