Thursday, June 4, 2020

An Owl’s Nest

June weather is finally here!  June is when we finally get nice weather for the outdoor cycling!

But today I’m talking about May.

I made an art postcard for an artist friend’s birthday.  Similar to one I’ve made before but in different color inks.

My May calendar journal.  Sorry, lots of personal stuff I don’t care to share.

On May 1st we took a walk to see the owls that are again nesting in a old building inside a boarded up vent that leaves an outside cubby at the upper portion of the building.

Mama Owl and her two babies.  Bunch of sleepy heads!

The next visit we made to observe the owls, the babies were out exploring the world while Mama was napping...again.  I was surprised at how large the “baby” was.

Sadly, the babies were found dead a couple of weeks later.  It is believed they were electrocuted.  Must have been a power surge through the lines.  I hope Mama will return again next year.

May 31st was my first bicycle ride of 2020.  I’m so excited!

Be safe and stay healthy.


  1. I always love your calendar journals. And you cards.So happy to have three of them right in front of me every day. Many people have commented on them in very positive ways also. We've had some nice days here too, after a very cold May. So great to be able to stay outside without looking like teddybears.

  2. Beautiful owl pictures but oh what a tragedy! How sad is that. Great postcard and I love seeing journal pages. Enjoy your bike. xx

  3. Great card with one of my favorite quotes! And your calendar, of course, needed to be enlarged so I could see what you've been reading. Our pleasant weather is over and we are in the 90's with heat indexes adding as much 5-10 degrees to the way it feels. Enjoy your bike rides and keep taking pictures of your adventures!

  4. The mama Owl is so pretty. How sad her babies died. At least you got to see them. Happy cycling Annie.

  5. Love the owls and your card. Hope you can shine some sweetness on June. We all could use that right now.

  6. I am happy that you had a way to show your calendar with the more personal stuff covered up; I always look forward to seeing it. Love the postcard and the quotation. Nice pictures of the owl too. Isn't it great to be able to get out again and enjoy the warmer weather?

  7. The lime green postcard with the splashy colours is just great. I do like all the little bits round the edge - distressed bits which are perfectly happy although distressed.
    Sounds like a nice reading month with other things too. Owls are wonderful mysterious creatures but so sad about the babies.
    Hope you have had some good bicycle rides since you wrote this.

  8. Ok I'm way late here, but you already know that birthday postcard is fantastic!!! And those owls are so cute!! How awesome you got to see them♡♡♡ so sad though :( I definitely hope momma comes back next year.

    I of course love your may calendar journal ( again some of my favorite colors just like the postcard! Lol) also I'm super happy you are getting time to enjoy some bike rides.

  9. great card, love your calendar too. Really cool shot of the owl...they are fascinating looking birds.
    x Karen


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