Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Almost 25-Year Old Quilt Top

Don’t fall out of your chair, I’ve been sewing!

I finally talked myself into getting this close to 25 year old quilt top quilted and bound!  

My daughter pieced this large quilt top when she was about 10 or 11 years old.  An age of fearlessness.  Which is why it probably got so large.

Finished measurement is 93”x72”

It was made when I knew nothing about quilting a quilt.  I had only made quilted wall hangings.  I thought a quilt had to be free motion quilted and I hated free motion quilting.  Having it sent out for quilting was not an option at the time.  So this quilt top and my first pieced quilt top had been hiding for close to 25 years.  I thought they were long gone until I decluttered and purged.  Suddenly there they were!  

My quilt got finished in August 2019
The blog post is here if you’d like to read more details on finding these quilt tops.

But this monster frightened me.  I worried it would be wonky.  I worried it would be bubbly here and there and everywhere...neither happened.

I worried it would be too large for me to quilt on my machine...it wasn’t.

I spent a lot of time worrying about things that did not happen.

I also worried we wouldn’t like the backing.  Just another wasted worry.

We decided the backing turned out pretty fun looking.  She even likes the back of the quilt better than the front.  Ha!

Just more proof that we shouldn’t worry about things until we actually have something to worry about.  I like to head off problems or at least be prepared.  So I will continue to worry before I need to worry.

She did a great job sewing.  Even a lot of the intersections meet nicely.  It’s a great memory quilt even though neither of us can remember a lot about her making it!  Ha!  I’m pretty sure I cut her squares, but she did all the sewing.  I quilted and bound it.  Both of us being somewhat senile about it makes it a brand new quilt again!

Here now is my June 2020 calendar for you to catch up on my doings.

I’m still in the sewing mode so there is more to come soon.


  1. 1st let me start by saying, I am so glad you and your daughter finally have that quilt finished. I know you and I have talked about it for several years. It turned out wonderfully!!! I also love the solar system on the back! I'm sure she will love it forever. Second, I was reading your calendar squares that's all that you have been taking some photo courses that is awesome! I dabble in photography on the side too, and realized that I hadn't done any fun photoshoots about a year-and-a-half. There was a free online class I took that gave a 7-Day free trial for the photo mentor online. I have now taken 11 maybe 12 of their online courses and decided to sign up for one more month. Which is $47 I think I will cancel next month's as I've lost most of the classes. I have Lightroom and Photoshop they are both the older version versions as I have had them for many years, but when I first started using them only did the basics and did things the hard way. Now having watch some of the classes it is going to make my next shoot this Saturday so much faster and easier! It is so funny that I spent all my time wearing the harder things in these programs , and skipped right over the easy basics. But those are the things that helped me the most... I am one of those people who go through phases and I'm playing with Photoshop, and use Lightroom for most of my basic editing. Learning how to cull and sort through my images Superfast which is one of the basic steps has helped me more than anything in the last couple weeks. I did a couple pet photos for a friend a few weeks ago, that was before I started taking my refresher courses and hadn't done anything in like I said about a year-and-a-half. I am delaying another photoshoot for a friend this Saturday and it is going to be so much different and easier. Looking Back Where I have done the wedding was a couple years ago if I had just taken a couple classes on the basics I could have saved so much time sorting through in editing all of those photos. Anyhow hope you are having an awesome time learning and playing! What kind of things are you enjoying taking pictures of? I like portrait photography and animals. I would really love to do more with compositing images. I tend to like them more creepy strange of course even in my photography.

  2. The quilt turned out so beautiful! I love reading your calendars, so inspirational.

  3. It's good to see your post again. When July came and went with no calendar post I worried that something bad might have happened. I guess that thinking is a sign of the times.
    Your daughters quilt turned out great. I revisited your older post about your quilt and it too is a great quilt.
    I found your comment about the quality of the fabric in your quilt interesting. I am cleaning and purging and I have quite a few pieces of old "not quilt" shop fabric. I am surprised that the quality of the fabric seems better than some (not all) of the new quilt shop fabric I have purchased recently.The newer fabric designs are better but the thread count is definitely lower.

  4. Imagine this quilt turning out so marvellously after all these years. Your daughter must have made it beautifully and it looks so well constructed. It sounded like a huge task to quilt it by machine but you have done it. I loved all the photos too. Wouldn't it be great if I could come over and sit on your sweet verandah and have a chat. Your street looks lovely and spacious.

  5. Your quilt is beautiful. I love the back as much as the front. How clever of you. And what fond memories you must have. Great job!

  6. Oh my gosh, both quilts are just awesome, what a wonderful finish..... yes, I worry too and most of my quilts are not perfect but once they are done, it is hard to find the booboos....

  7. Oh how fun and such a treasure that quilt is! I love the back, too, and it looks amazing with the front. I worry about everything, so I'm with ya.

  8. huh? How did I miss this post? What a magnificent monster of a quilt! And another great calendar to examine.


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