Monday, March 15, 2021

A Single Flower

The very talented Sheila at Orange Esmeralda is hosting this month’s theme, A Single Flower, at Art Journal Journey.  Sheila inspired me to join in on the challenge as I discovered a single flower start piece in my box of odd pieces.

I decided to finish the flower as a page for my fabric book.  Which I realize is a type of journal of my textile art bits.

I created the flower by tracing two spirals onto Wonder Under and fusing them to the fabrics.

Cut them out.

I chose a base fabric for the flower.

I layered the pieces and fused them all together.

I did raw edge appliqué around the spirals and chose a decorative stitch to sew around the outside just catching the edges of the base circle.

A stem and leaves were added as well as some select selvedge words and color dots.  The base fabric for the page is a printed scrapbook paper onto Magic Fabric.  On the right side edge is a scrap of stripe fabric and another strip of selvedge.

Adding selvedges to my pieces is becoming a signature thing for me.

Thanks Sheila for suggesting and inspiring me to join in the challenge and adding to my fabric book art journal AND getting another odd piece finished up.

Anyone can join in for the monthly challenges.  All mediums are welcome.  Have a look at the other talented artists works here and be inspired to join in the fun.


  1. Oh, what fun it would be to page through your art journal and see all the ways your creative mind works! Your flower is just beautiful and the tutorial is so enticing that I want to run up and make one...but I'll keep it for tomorrow when I'm not so tired from scooping snow. You've also found a lovely way of using the selvedges as art. It's so awesome to find them with quiet quotes or words of wisdom.

  2. That flower is so it!

  3. First of all this is a great process post. Thanks for taking the time to take excellent photos on the way.
    I'm so impressed with the spiral idea and inter-linking them was a clever process extra.
    The way you can stitch accurately in a tiny space is pretty amazing, even going round and round and to the teensie-weensie bit at the ends.
    And then the decorative stitching round the edge of the flower. Very pretty and immaculate.
    I've just notice the list of birds down the side.
    Also words on the selvedge? - I'm going to check my selvedges, who would have thought they could be so useful and decorative (except you).
    This is a terrific entry to "Single Flower" challenge at AJJ and the first fabric one.
    Thanks a million and hope to see you at AJJ another time.

  4. Your fabric art is always innovative and fun! This flower is delightful from the clever spirals to the selvedge text. Cool Beans, Annie!

  5. Wonderful flower! As always I'm in awe of your work!!

  6. I LOVE this one. You're fantastic.

  7. Am very enthusiastic about the technique of how the flower was created with its special background .. A work of art!
    Have a nice day, hug Elke

  8. Lovely to follow your process Annie and what a great result. There are some really beautiful selvedges around arent there - its amazing what words you can find on some of them. xx

  9. So nice to meet you Annie, and I am glad you listened to Sheila. You definitely have an art journal, and your flower page is just gorgeous. I love using selvage edges myself, and I really like how you used yours. I hope you make some more fabric flowers and join us again. Thanks for posting at Art Journal JOurney. Hugs-Erika

  10. I am always so happy to see another "Annie" post. You always add a little spark and inspiration into my day. I love everything about this little piece. The spirals, the decorative stitching and the way you have used the selvedge.

  11. merci beaucoup pour ces explications !

  12. Love this flower! Thank you for the tutorial!

  13. I just love this--I do journaling also--but haven't done a fabric book as yet--only papers...
    this is lovely nice work hugs, Julierose

  14. Awesome the spiral flower! AND now I am heading to my selvages box and see what I have saved for no reason other than to just save!!!

  15. Oh My! This is exceptionally beautiful! Thank you so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey, hugs, Chrisx

  16. Wow - super impressive and well done. I like the look and I am really amazed by your stitching! Fun.

  17. Another creative piece for your fabric journal. I have bags of selvedge pieces that I should add to my new journal. I love the spiral flower and the words of inspiration!


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